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                             5 years later

It's been 5 years since everything has happened. They were living peacefully, away from all of the violence and drama.

A year after the incident, Yoongi proposed to Jimin. They got married and adopted 2 little girls. Zaria and Yuzana, 5 and 6 years old.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at the happy family who always giggled and had the most amazing times together.

Sometimes (which was almost all of the time) Taehyung and Jungkook wondered if they'd ever have what they had. If they'd ever get married and have a family.


Marriage can be complicated. Arguments can happen, sometimes forcing you to rethink your decisions. 'Was it really a good idea for me to marry them?' Or 'I can still back out from this, right?'

At the end of the day, it's the person you love with all your heart.


Then there's other times where your love just isn't strong enough to overcome the fights and arguments. Maybe the 'one' cheated on you, with your best friend or sister/brother. Hell, maybe they cheated with some random stranger.

Sometimes people get a divorce for other reasons. Like: one the partners getting drunk all the time, domestic abuse, cheating, realizing you've married a complete psychopath, falling out of love, and etc.

Unless you're being forced into it... Then that's a whole different case.

You have to be ready for marriage, for all the things you may encounter. You need to really want it, make sure you're mentally prepared for it.

And that's what Taehyung wanted, really bad. After two years of dating Jungkook, he was ready.

He was going to propose to Jungkook while they were out on a date.


"Chimmy, I don't know what to wear! What am I gonna do?!" A panicked Jungkook paced around his room as he talked to Jimin on the phone.

Yes, the Min Jungkook was panicking about what he should wear to the date.

"Kook, you've been on so many dates with Tae. Why are you panicking over clothes?"

"Because one time I was way too underdressed. I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie to a fancy restaurant. Then the last time I was overdressed when we went for a walk in the park!" Jungkook groaned at the embarrassing memories.

"Did he tell you where he's taking you this time?"

"No! He always says 'It's a surprise' That's why I'm asking you for help!" Jungkook whined.

"Okay, calm down. It's pretty warm outside, so maybe you should wear something casual? Like a white shirt and a light blue shirt over it? Pair it up with some gray skinny jeans."

"Are you sure? Will that even look good with my pink hair?" Jungkook asked, unsurely.

"When have you looked bad in something?"

"Your right, I never look bad. Thanks Chimmy!" Jungkook said before hanging up.

"Hey Kookie, are you almost done in there? You've been in there for 30 minutes already." Taehyung asked from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, I'm almost done. I'll be out in a bit!" Jungkook said.

He rushed to his closet and looked for a white short sleeve shirt, a light blue long sleeve shirt, and some gray skinny jeans.

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