Chapter 13

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Warning: There will be a tiny bit of self harm in here, please click off if you are sensitive to the topic

Fear, anger, and confusion. All mixed together like a deadly cocktail.

The three emotions are easier to handle by themselves, depending how severe you're experiencing those emotions.

However, when you feel those three emotions all at the same time, you'd wish a train would hit you.

You could do something reckless. For example, you could hurt yourself, or someone else.

You wouldn't realize what you've done or said until it was too late.

Jungkook, was experiencing those emotions all at the same time.

30 minutes ago, Min Jungkook slammed the door and stormed out of the motel, looking for something to calm him down.

He felt numb from the fear, anger, and confusion, he needed to feel something.

So after walking for a couple of minutes, he slammed his fists into the nearest brick wall, hitting it repeatedly, until his knuckles were bloody and bruised.

He needed a distraction, so he went to a club.

Of course, with his charming looks, a lady with expensive clothing who looked well into her mid 40's saw him and decided to buy him all the drinks he ordered.

Meanwhile, with Taehyung, he was desperately looking for Jungkook.

He searched every nook and cranny for the latter, but it was no use.

Kim Taehyung was consumed by the three emotions that had consumed Jungkook, which had a bit of a different affect on him than it did to Jungkook.

At first, he was confused when he couldn't find Jungkook, then he cried from fearing what had happened to the latter, later on he found a razor blade and by then, the anger had consumed him so he did what he thought was right at the time.

3 minutes after he was done, he decided to go to the front desk and pay for 2 more nights at the motel, seeing as it might take a while for him to find Jungkook and get his mind to relax.

When he gave up on everything, he decided to go to the nearby club, called 00:00. (0 o'clock.)

He had walked for 5 minutes, until he found a car at the side of the road. So what'd he do? He hot wired the car and drove the rest of the way to the club.

As he entered, he was hit with the smell of alcohol. The music was almost deafening while sweaty bodies dancing under the purple lights.

Taehyung made his way through the crowd to get to the bartender and order a drink.

"What can I get ya?" A lady with light brown hair asked Taehyung as he sat down at the bar.

"I'd like a vodka." Taehyung answered with a sigh.

With a nod, the lady started making his drink.

"Rough day?" The lady asked as she gave him his drink.

"You have no idea." Taehyung said as he drank the vodka in one go.

"Did you have a fight with a friend?" She asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Taehyung questioned.

"When you've been a bartender for 5 years, you kinda know." She smiled.

"Damn." Taehyung whispered.

Then a loud laugh pierced through the air causing Taehyung to look to the right. What he saw made his eyes go wide.

He saw a drunk Jungkook and a wealthy looking lady in her mid 40's laughing like their lives depended on it.

Taehyung didn't waste a second and rushed to where Jungkook was and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?! I've been looking for you!" Taehyung yelled at the younger as his eyes started to water.

"What the fuck are you doing-?" Jungkook slurred his words and pointed at Taehyungs chest.

"Jungkook, we gotta go. Okay?! Come on." Taehyung started to drag Jungkook away.

The lady in her mid 40's saw this, got up and yelled after Jungkook "Call me!" Before they walked further away.

When they opened up the club doors, they were greeted with a black sky and a beautiful full moon.

Taehyung opened the door for Jungkook and closed it before climbing into the drivers seat and driving off.

The car ride was filled with Jungkook talking to himself, which consisted of occasional "I should do it!" And "Nah, I'll do it when I'm at the motel."

That didn't last long until the car came to a stop.

Jungkook and Taehyung got out of the car and went inside the motel.

As soon as they got into their room, Taehyung was pushed against a wall by Jungkook.

Before Taehyung could realize what was happening, Jungkook pressed his mouth against the others, not long after it turned into a heated session.

Taehyung, not liking to be the one pinned against the wall and still needing answers, flipped them over so he was pinning Jungkook against the wall.

"Oww, why'd you do that?" Jungkook whined.

"Why'd you go into the club without telling me?" Taehyung growled.

"Because I can, I'm not a damn kid Taehyung, I can protect myself." Jungkook looked down at the floor.

"Jungkook! People are after us, you can't be acting so damn childish. This is life or death, and I don't know about you but I choose life! Man the fuck up." Taehyung snapped.

"I know... But maybe we should... relax. You know?" Jungkook said as he moved his arms around Taehyungs neck.

"Jungkook, you're drunk. I'm not going to do this to you, you're not in the right state of mind." Taehyung took Jungkooks hands off of him.

Taehyung cupped Jungkooks face with his hands. "Come on, lets go to sleep, okay? I'll buy you some waffles in the morning."

Jungkook instantly started jumping up and down, acting like a kid at the mention of waffles.

"Okay! Can I have some whipped cream on top too?" Jungkook gushed.

"Yes, as much as you want." Taehyung chuckled.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep! Night night hyung!" Jungkook yelled as he ran to the bed, getting undressed, and got under the covers.

"Okay, goodnight." Taehyung whispered as he turned off the lights.

Thank you all for bearing with me, I know I take long to update because of high school and stuff. But thank you so much for sticking around!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

I never thought I'd get so far!!!! Look at all those votes and people reading this! Holy crap, I'm so happy people actually read this

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I never thought I'd get so far!!!! Look at all those votes and people reading this! Holy crap, I'm so happy people actually read this.

It's been a dream of mine since I was little to make books that people would read and enjoy, thank you so much!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Thank you all once again, until next time loves

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