𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻

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It is morning, well around noon judging by the position the sun is when Harry wakes up. Louis is pouring water over the fire, thinking how he has to get rid of the evidence they were here. Harry groans, his bones cracking as he stretches.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Louis cheerfully says. He got a few hours of sleep when he was sure no human or animal was near.

"You sure are hyperactive and happy in the morning. I do not like it," Harry mumbles, his palms on his eyelids and rubbing them.

"C'mon! Live a little. Here," Louis says and carries meat on the stick to Harry. "I caught a rabbit. Eat up, there's a long way ahead of us. A lot of walking. And it's around noon, we've lost many hours we could've spent walking."

"Be happy I am even going with you."

"Be happy I let you sleep this long," Louis snaps. "If you don't want to go with me, fine. Go alone. Find a way to civilization alone. Find your food alone. Fight enemies, if someone finds you, alone. I don't need you — you need me. Remember that if you want to complain."

Harry watches with wide eyes as Louis turns around and starts walking to the woods. He quickly stands up and runs after him. "Wait! Do not leave me! I—" Harry stops talking and running as Louis does the same and turns to him, rolling his eyes.


"I might have behaved… wrong," he will not say sorry. He does not apologize to anyone.

"Go on," Louis encourages.

"I will not apologize to you. I am not saying that I am sorry. But I do admit I should not behave like that. Be pleased you got that."

"Your father drilled you hard, innit? The whole 'I am not apologizing' thing. It's okay," Louis winks. He forgave the prince instantly, he wanted to see what he would do. He got his answer.

"Great," Harry says. He looks into Louis' blue eyes, they are beautiful, pure and innocent. He knows Louis is anything but pure and innocent, maybe that is why he likes him. "You know… two rivals in the forest, they might kiss," Harry says as he comes closer to Louis.

"Easy up, tough guy! You're not getting near this ass…until I say so," Louis smirks, looking Harry up and down. The prince is far away from bad looking, he would definitely fuck him.

"You want this as much as I want. So why not let me…" Harry bit his lips, looking at Louis' lower body, tilting his head a bit and nodding towards his body.

"The crown prince wants to suck dick? Or was that supposed to be directed at my ass?" Louis asks, amused.

"It is either I fuck you or you suck me, I am not letting you fuck me nor I am going to suck you. Your choice."

"Well…" Louis gets closer to Harry, looking at his crotch. He stands in front of him, now looking into his eyes as he grabs Harry's dick in his hand, fast like a snake. Harry's eyes widen, moan escaping without permission. Louis applies pressure, slowly moving his hand. He feels Harry harden in his palm, the heaviness of him arousing, the size slightly terrifying. Harry closes his eyes, breaths coming out faster as he grabs onto Louis. Louis speeds up but then let go. Before Harry could argue, Louis puts his hand in Harry's pants and underwear, grabbing his dick again, this time with direct skin contact.

Moans are exiting Harry's mouth and for once he is glad they are lost deep in a forest because no one can see them doing sexual stuff. "Fuck, Louis!" the prince moans the rebels name, not bothered he usually does not moans his fuck buddies names — he is the one fucking them, making them moan. He does not moan their name even when he cums in them.

"You close, baby?" Louis whispers. Harry manages to nod. Louis chuckles. His mind decided to send him a thought to imagine what they look like. In a forest, close to their made-out-of-woods fireplace, one of them having a hand in the other one's pants making movements that leave no place to imagine what they are doing. Even better is: one of them is a prince.

Then Louis stops, removing his hand from Harry's pants leaving the other confused. Harry takes a step from Louis, giving him an annoying and frustrated look. "Why did you stop? I almost came!"

"That's a teaser for what you can get… if you try harder."

"I am literally hard for you! What more do you want?"

"I want… I don't want this to be a one-time booty call."

"It will not! You do realize we will not come to any village or anything for days? We are in the middle of nowhere! I would say we would have sex more than once. And you can come live in a castle if I like you."

"And be your mistress? Let my people who want to kill the king down? Let myself down? I don't think so, hun," Louis chuckles, flipping his imaginary long hair over his shoulder, making a 'gay wrist' as the king gave it a name. It is one of the signs people do unconsciously and it helps him catch them. Many would think he kills them or throws them in dungeons but he takes them to his room and sleeps with them.

"You're unbelievable," Harry huffs.

"At least I'm something," Louis says and turns around, walking in direction of south — he determined direction when Harry was sleeping. "We're going south, c'mon, princey!"

Harry does not complain and jogs after Louis, slapping his round ass when he gets next to him. Louis just smiles and pushes Harry to the side. Harry returns the push and then Louis pushes him harder, making Harry almost fall. He steadies himself and sees Louis running laugh reaching his ears. Harry smiles, running after Louis while truly laughing.

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