𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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"Are you sure about this?" Harry asks once more for confirmation.

"Yes. I want to do it," Louis breaths out. "Fuck me, princey."

"As you wish," Harry takes lotion and puts some on his fingers. He kisses Louis on the thigh as he circles his hole with one finger. He presses his digit on his hole, not going in. Louis moans from anticipation, bucking his hips up to make Harry do something. Harry's digit goes inside Louis' hole because of the movement, and then Harry pushes the rest of his finger inside as well.

He slowly pulls out and back in, fucking Louis with his finger. "You are so tight, enemy."

"Hmm, for you."

"Are you sure about that? From what I gathered, you were acting like a whore," Harry whispers. The name makes Louis moan out and push against the finger. "Someone likes being called names," Harry smirks.

"Only in bed," Louis answers, already on cloud nine.

"Is my little whore greedy?"

"Fuck yes, give it to me," Harry chuckles at Louis' neediness. He grabs a lotion bottle and squeezes a good amount of it directly on Louis' hole and his finger. He proceeds to push two more fingers inside, watching as Louis' hole sucks them in. He fastens his speed, changing the angle a bit causing Louis to cry out. "Touch that again, it feels good," Louis moans.

Harry listens to him, hitting that spot until he decides Louis is stretched enough. He removes his fingers from his hole, going on his knees. He spread Louis' legs wider, putting his hands on his ass cheeks to spread them also — leaving them spread on the bed as he moves his hands to Louis' legs — making Louis' hole more visible.

Harry pats Louis' leg, bringing his right hand to his mouth and spits on his palm. He coats his dick with saliva and a bit of lotion that stayed on his fingers from before. He puts the tip to Louis' entrance, not pushing in.

"Tell me what you want me to do, my slut."

"Want you to fuck me," Louis whines.

"I can fuck you with my fingers, with my tongue, with the bottle… be specific like a good whore."

"Want you to fuck me with your dick. Fuck me fast and deep, use me for your pleasure. Like a whore, like a hole. Cum in me, fill me with your essence and juice. Pleaseee!" Louis never thought he would be in this position.

"Good slut," Harry praises and slams into him. Louis screams as Harry stretches him wide, he is so big Louis feels he will tear his ass. He does not give him time to adjust to his size, knowing his slut likes it rough by the words he said not so long ago. He begins drilling into him, he feels like his dick is being milked because of how tight Louis is. Louis' hands go to Harry's neck and back, scratching him and leaving red marks. Harry grabs his hands, slamming them above Louis and holding them there.

Harry lifts himself a bit so that he is almost parallel with Louis' upper body, holding himself up with his hands that are around Louis' wrists. He slams into Louis over and over again, hitting all the right spots.

"Fuck…argh!" Louis moans at the roughness sounding like a prostitute who loves his job more than anything else. "Yes, Harry, yes!"

"Call. Me. Master," Harry's says, thrusting especially hard after every word.

"Yes, Master! Fuck me harder!"

"My little slut. Such a slut for me, aren’t you? Needy boy. Or would you like it better if I called you a 'needy girl'?"

"Anything! I can be your good slut boy or girl. Just…. Fuc — fuck me," Louis manages to say. Harry thrust even harder, slowing down a bit. The whole bed is shaking and Louis' body is going towards the bedpost with the force Harry is slamming into him. Him holding his hands down does not matter, they are still going upwards.

"Such a greedy whore. You want my load? Want me to cum in you?"

"Yes, oh God!"

"God will not help you get fucked."

"Master, please! I want to come."

"You will come from my dick and my dick alone," Harry grunts, his thrusts becoming sloppy. "I will cum soon."

"I will take all of you. Let me be your slut," Louis whines. His ass is jumping up and down with how Harry drills in him. He swears his ass will be bleeding, which makes him even more aroused and he does not know why.

"Worthless slut for me to use," Harry says, feeling he will cum soon. "Take what I give you, take it all," he says and the warmth spreads in his lower stomach. He stills, his dick erupting inside Louis. His jizz coats Louis' walls, hitting his good spot and filling him up. Louis moans at the feeling and enjoys Harry's dick. He cums, spilling on his and Harry's stomach. He hisses as Harry pulls his soft dick out, feeling cum leaking from his ass. Harry puts his fingers in Louis' hole, pushing the semen inside and making Louis silently scream at the penetration, he is sensitive.

Harry lies beside Louis, taking him in his arms. Louis puts one leg on Harry, cuddling with him while they both try to even out their breathing.

*     *     *

Everything goes wrong in the morning. Louis is riding Harry, who has his hands on Louis' ass, on the bed. The duo does not know Desmond is coming to see them, so when the doors open unexpectedly they are frozen. Desmond screams.

"Guards! Harry Edward Styles. Is it not enough I did not put the scum in the dungeon, you had to fuck him?!" Desmond is furious.

"Father —"

"I do not want to hear it!" the guards come into the room, slightly shocked to see their prince in the bed with the traitor, with the rebel. "Seize him! He raped your prince!" he says, pointing at Louis.

"No!" Harry screams but it is too late. Two guards hold naked Louis while another covers the prince and holds him down, saying it is okay and he is safe.

"Take him to the dungeon, give him something to cover himself," Desmond orders, smirking at Harry who has tears in his eyes. The guard leaves with screaming Louis. "Go get some water and something sweet," Desmond orders to the one holding Harry and in a blink of an eye, he is out the door. "This is what happens when you disobey me. Do not try anything, boy," he says and leaves the room.

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