𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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A couple more days later, Louis is growing weak. Harry has to help him more and more, they are hungry, they are thirsty and still no signs of people. They do not know what to do. They should have already come across someone, they have been travelling for more than four days. Louis came to the spot they attacked in three days. He is pleased he at least knew where to go, since they were north of Crows' house.

"Harry. Harry, stop," Louis says. "Let me down," he orders and Harry, for once, listen. "Listen carefully. You might have another few hours half a day or a day until you come to the village or main road. If it's not that much, we were going in the wrong direction at some point. I want you to leave me here and leave, run if you have energy."

"I am not leaving you!"

"Go! If you find someone, go with them. I… I'm not going to make it, Harry. It's a miracle I lasted this long. I lost too much blood, I'm too weak. Please, go," Louis pleads Harry, showing him forward.

"Please. This way you'll be safe. You have my sword, you're a great swordsman. Take my flask with water. Go. Live. Be a better king than Desmond. And when he's on a deathbed tell him Louis Tomlinson says hi and to watch his ass because I'll kill him in the afterlife for he has killed my family."

"I...I can not leave you."

"Yes, you can," Louis puts his flask in his hands, bringing them to his kips and giving them a kiss. "Go," Harry bends down to gently kiss Louis before running south. Louis sits under a tree and enjoys the sounds of nature.

*     *     *
Harry is speed walking for hours. He debated a few times about turning around and dying with Louis but that was not what Louis wanted. Harry is not ashamed to admit he is crying. He crosses a road and goes to walk back in the deeper forest when he thinks 'wait, road?'

He turns around, yelling in excitement, jumping up and down. He got to the road. His energy gets back, he starts running down the road. It does not matter in which direction because both lead to the village. He runs and runs until he, finally, slows down. He bends over, catching his breath. Then he walks.

After some time, he hears the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground. He hurries a bit, turning around the corner, and sees the soldiers in his kingdom's colours. They are turned with their backs to Harry. "Hey!" he yells.

The soldiers stop and turn their heads toward the voice. Grins and relief show on their faces, and someone separates from the group. When they get closer, he sees commander Zayn and doctors Niall and Liam. They jump off the horses when they stop, immediately going to hug Harry.

"We have been looking for you," Zayn whispers.

"I have been travelling with Louis," Harry bits his lips. "We need to go get him."

"Why do we need to go get the criminal?" Niall asks.

"Because he saved my life multiple times and got hurt in one of them. He lost a lot of blood but I think you can save him. You are the best doctors in the five kingdoms."

"I do not know about this, Prince Harry," Liam says.

"Well, I say we have to get him," Harry says, determined.

"Then we will go get him. Bring a horse for the prince!" Zayn yells. "We have one more mission to do before we lead our prince home."

*    *    *

It does not take long for them to get to the place Harry left Louis. They are travelling with their horses and not on foot, after all. Louis is sitting against a tree, eyes closed and he looks like he does not breathe. Harry hurries off the horse and to Louis. He takes his head into his arms, shaking him. Liam and Niall come to them, one checking for a pulse and the other looking at the arrow wound.

"His pulse is weak but existing. We need to hurry if we want him to live" Niall says.

"He took good care of the wound, it does not look like it is infected," Liam says, impressed.

"Yes, he knows a lot about survival."

"I will carry him to my horse—" Zayn starts but Harry interrupts him.

"He rides with me."

And so, the group is fast to get going. They arrive at the castle an hour later or less, Louis and Harry were really close to it. Louis is stable the whole way, Liam gave him some potion so he can start healing better. They carry him in the hospital wing while Harry goes to Desmond. He is not sure if he wants to confront him now or when Louis is better. He may give orders not to treat him or something if Harry angers him.

"Harry! My dear," Desmond says, faking relief. Harry can see it, he radiates fakeness. Then Harry thinks of something: he bets Desmond hired the assassins to kill or kidnap him. He could easily collect more money from people — with a justified cause — to 'give' it to the kidnappers who work for him. He would be even richer.


"Are you good? Did anyone attack you? How did you get out of the forest?"

"A friend helped me. He is in the infirmary."

"Who?" Desmond furrows his eyebrow.

"Louis Tomlinson."

"Louis Tomlinson?!" Desmond yells, red in his face.

"Yes, and you will not hurt him. He is already hurt and he saved my life. So you will not kill him."

"You do not make the rules. I am the king!"

"But I am an heir and I might not be able to hurt you but I will hurt myself," Harry threatens.

"You would not."

"I would not, but if you kill him without reason, I might."

"Fine," Desmond sighs.

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