Chapter Seven

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When Adrian came in, he took one look at my stricken face, then all the leaves on my body, and put me behind him while he shut the door. Then he gave Ciaran the once-over as he asked, "Okay, what's up?"

"Our Princess is in a family way, little hero." He smiled at me past Adrian's shoulder. "Tell me, how did you come knocking so quickly?"

"A family way?" Adrian ignored Ciaran's question and spun around to gape at me. "You did it with him? When?"

"It's not exactly how you're thinking. Let me explain." I went over the whole complicated situation with Adrian, starting from the time he'd told me the other day that Ciaran was waiting for me in Brin's music room to now. Then I said, "So... Ciaran told me that this sap I produce could prove someone is lying, and the only two people I know besides me that can lie is you or Dom."

"Yeah... I can imagine what Dom might do. He treats you like his baby."

"Right. Dom would try to fight with Ciaran." I nodded for emphasis; then, I gave him the side-eye. "Are you mad?"

"Mad?" Adrian thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head. "No. I think this is inconvenient, but you'll have months before things get hard, right? We can get this done. I think all the guys will be okay. I mean, it was going to happen one day, but it's just a little early." He lightly tapped me on my shoulder.

"No, Little Hero, our Princess does not have months -- it is more like days." Ciaran was still smiling at me over Adrian's shoulder, but I was beginning to note the subtle tension behind it. 

"Days??" Adrian pulled me into a trembling hug. "Geez, Ace! You feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, I think, but the reason why I need you is for me to be sure that Ciaran didn't trick me. Would you be willing for me to slime you?" I snorted over my Ghost Busters joke.

He wrinkled his nose but released me from his hug and held my hands. "Ready. Slime away, Ace."

"Okay, tell me something true."

"I love chocolate ice cream."

I looked down at our joined hands, and there was no change except for the sticky sheen of my sap. Adrian looked at them as well, and his lip twisted into an 'ugh' shape.

"That's gross, Matt."

"I know. It seems me and Luis have something in common."

"Hurry this up so I can put my hands in boiling water. Disgusting."

Ciaran chuckled. "Little Hero, if that disgusts you, then you've chosen the wrong Princess to be in swain to. 

"Cut it out, Ciaran. Adrian's not 'in swain.' Whatever that means. Sounds like a disease."

"Oh, yes, yes. It is a sickness indeed."

Finally, I realized that he was trying to distract us. "Cut it out, Ciaran. Okay, Adrian, say a lie."

Adrian thought of a lie, then said, "I think I have a chance to get that contract in Korea without Matt."

His hands turned red. "Yow, Matt! That's both awesome and sick! Wait a minute while I go throw up."

I huffed. "So much drama." Inside, I was surprised and pleased that he still wanted me to be part of the group. I thought he had been just saying that. 

Adrian ran into the bathroom then exclaimed about the giant tub as he washed his hands. He was rubbing his palms against his shirt after he came out, and he was shaking his head. "Dang, Matt. That tub could fit an entire football team in it."

I nodded, but I didn't want to talk about the tub. I wanted to roll around on the bed as I wallowed. I wasn't ready to be a mother any more than I was prepared to be a queen or a savior. I collapsed on the bed, and Adrian sat beside me to rub my shoulder comfortingly.

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