The other men of the court

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Xavian is a satyr

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Xavian is a satyr. They are beings that originate from the spring lands. Satyrs have the ability to manipulate others with their voice or their music.

Xavian's family are all missing having been stolen from their homeland and sold into slavery.

Xavian's family are all missing having been stolen from their homeland and sold into slavery

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Brin is a Centaur, also from the Spring Lands. His father is a general in the army of Madewyrd. He has seven brothers. He was captured when he was a young colt and sold into slavery.

Rielte (pronounced Righ-elt) is a faun also from the spring lands

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Rielte (pronounced Righ-elt) is a faun also from the spring lands. His family are farmers and he has one brother.

Tylas is a pixie prince who was thought lost

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Tylas is a pixie prince who was thought lost. He was stolen and sold to slavery as a small child.

Noc is a young frost giant of about 20 or 21

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Noc is a young frost giant of about 20 or 21. He is not sure of his birthday. He is the quietest of the men. Likes to carve figurines

Dimini is a lunantisidhe and quite powerful

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Dimini is a lunantisidhe and quite powerful. He is a mischief maker, but he can sometimes be a bit haughty like his master, the Straif

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