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Luke O' Toole -Regent of Lars

Character Interview

Name: Lorcan is his true name, but he goes by Luke

Background: Sidhe

Place of birth: Lars

Parents: Brittania and Raelo O'Toole

Siblings: One Brother, deceased

Ethnic background: Larsian

Places lived: Has lived in Lars all his life

Education: Tutored in all subjects related to aiding a Faerie Queen

Favorite subject in school: History

Job: Regent of Lars

Friends: Matt. Trusts no other

Enemies: He has too many to list

Dating, marriage: Married to Matt. Had a boyhood crush on Matt's mom.

What people does he most admire: Matt,  Duir

Relationship with God: He worships Duirbas his goddess and is devout

Overall outlook on life: He believes in hard work. Nothing is free

Does this character like himself: He doubts himself

What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: He would have liked to have his brother back.

Physical build: He is tall, about 6' with a lean, muscular build

Head shape: diamond shaped. Widows peak. Sharp cheekbones

Eyes: light green

Nose: straight

Mouth: thin lips, severe

Hair - ginger

Skin: fair

Voice: Low, imperious sounding

Right- or left-handed: He's a lefty

What you notice first: hair

Clothing: dresses formally. Wears dark colors in stiff designs

How would he describe himself: A serious person who cares about God and country

Strongest/weakest character traits: Strongest: intelligent, passionate, strongwilled, decisive, Loyal, Faithful/ Weakest: stubborn, controlling

How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: They have his picture by each dictionary entry

Fears: Losing Aleria, losing Matt

Political leaning: For the summer court

What people like best about him: He is competent and dependable

Favorite food - he favors spicy meat dishes
Favorite Drink - He likes sidhe wine

Music: choral music

Books: History books

Movies: never seen one

Sports: Not a big sports fan, but likes horseraces

Color: silver

Best way to spend a weekend: At the lake

A great gift for this person: something handcrafted that was designed with meaning

Pets: none

Vehicle: limos from earth

Hopes and dreams: He dreams of a unified Aleria

What's the worst thing he's ever done to someone and why: The worst thing he ever did was failing to warn his brother that he was in danger

Greatest success: Marrying the Brigid's daughter

Biggest trauma: the loss of his brother

What does he care about most in the world: Matt, Duir, and Aleria

Does he have a secret: No. Luke is an open book

If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: to win the royal consort position

Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: Matt's mother finding out about his crush

He is the kind of person who: would fight your enemies for you.

Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: he is trying, but he's so stiff it comes out wrong.

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