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Some extra content for Dominic.

Character Interview

Name: Dominic

Background: Italian American

Place of birth: San Francisco

Parents: Franco and Juliana

Siblings: None

Ethnic background: Italian

Places lived: Italy up until the age of 2, then San Francisco the rest of his life

Education: Has been attending City College in San Francisco for culinary arts.

Favorite subject in school: Home Ec

Jobs: Chef at his family's restaurant

Friends: Matt, Georgie (not seen yet), Claudia (not seen yet), Tylas

Enemies: Luis, anyone who is mean to Matt

Dating, marriage: Married to Matt. Was dating Georgie for a while in high school. Friends now. Was dating Claudia for a few months but recently broke up. Still Friends.

What people does he most admire: Matt, Georgie, Danela

Relationship with God: Catholic

Overall outlook on life: Dominic is very positive despite being the only son of a former Mafia boss

Does this character like himself: He has self-image struggles

What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: He would have liked to have had more acceptance for his life-choices

Physical build: He is tall, about 6'2 with a stocky build

Head shape: rounded with a slight squaring off of the chin

Eyes: gray

Nose: not overly large. Somewhat snubbed

Mouth: generous, might be considered wide

Hair - auburn

Skin: fair

Voice: He has a soft tenor voice

Right- or left-handed: He's a righty

What you notice first: Eyes

Clothing: Dominic likes to wear clothing that will be okay if he gets sauce on it. He doesn't wear really fancy clothes unless the occasion calls for it. Normally wears dark colors that are easy to move in.

How would he describe himself: He'd describe himself as a cooking nerd who loves his friends and hates liars

Strongest/weakest character traits: Strongest: Generous, Individualistic, Idealist, Creative, Loyal, Faithful/ Weakest: Emotional, Self-doubting, clingy

How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: He has a big handle on his temper but he can be emotional. Cries easily. He's weak around food or Matt.

Fears: for a long time he was afraid he'd become like his father

Political leaning: Dominic doesn't care about politics

What people like best about him: People like how comfortable he is to be around. He makes everyone feel at ease

Favorite food - anything Italian. Favorite Drink - He likes good red wine

Music: He likes Music from the forties to the sixties and broadway. Not into the new stuff.

Books: Biographies, Vintage Cookbooks, Harry Potter books, Anything Fantasy

Movies: Likes musicals

Sports: Not a big sports fan. Occasionally watches football. Likes the 49ers because Matt does.

Color: Green

Best way to spend a weekend: At home, cooking an elaborate meal for Matt, then snuggling together under a big comforter

A great gift for this person: Any kind of cooking gadgets, cookbooks, flowers, decor for the kitchen

Pets: His family has a bichon frise named Abbie. He has no pets of his own

Vehicle: beat-up red convertible

Hopes and dreams: Hopes to make the one he loves very happy. Hopes to become a renowned chef.

What's the worst thing he's ever done to someone and why: The worst thing Dom's ever done is that he broke up with Georgie because his father was going to find out that he was dating another boy

Greatest success: Coming to a fantasy world and marrying Matt

Biggest trauma: His father beating him for finding out about his leanings

What does he care about most in the world: Matt and Tylas

Does he have a secret: His secret was his love for Matt, but that's out now

If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: He wants to be a Michelin Level Chef one day

Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: His father getting arrested when he was twelve. He had to change schools because everyone jeered him about it.

He is the kind of person who: would give you the shirt off of his back.

Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: He's sweet, affable, and generous

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