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Species: human
Age 16

Name: Adrian Jackson

True Name: none

Background: Adrian has been raised in a foster family since he was twelve. Before that time, his Maternal grandmother, Bernice, raised him. His parents died when he was quite small. When his grandmother died, he was displaced from his home and became a runaway because his aunts and uncles stole all of his grandmother's possessions. 

Place of birth: Earth

Parents: Jamal and Kendra Grandmother: Bernice

Siblings: none

Ethnic background: African American

Places lived: Was born and raised in San Francisco

Education: Currently still in school - is a Junior in HS.

Favorite subject in school: Math

Job: Student

Friends: Matt, Jace, and the other guys that were present in Chapter 4 of the first book

Enemies: Joseph and Luis

Dating, marriage: Married to Matt. Had a few other relationships of both genders. Nothing serious. Matt was his first love when he was a runaway

What people does he most admire: His grandmother most of all, then his foster parents, then Matt

Relationship with God: He believes in God. Not religious

Overall outlook on life: Adrian tends to be positive. He has been through some stuff, but he has faith things will work out.

Does this character like himself: Yes. Adrian is a positive light in the group.

What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: He wishes that he hadn't lost track of Matt for four years.

Physical build: He is handsome, with a medium height and build. Rather athletic. 

Head shape: somewhat triangular

Eyes: Hazel

Nose: blunted 

Mouth: upper lip is fuller than the bottom lip

Hair - brown

Skin: cocoa colored

Voice: soft tenor

Right- or left-handed: He's a righty

What you notice first: eyes

Clothing: likes to be comfortable. Prefers shorts

How would he describe himself: A positive person

Strongest/weakest character traits: Strongest: positive, strongwilled, loyal, smart, clever, strategic, Faithful/ Weakest: Is somewhat morally gray. Does things like riding motorcycles without a license, can be reckless with his safety. Likes adrenaline

How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: He is when he decides to be. Everything is a decision with him.

Fears: Joseph

Political leaning: For the summer court

What people like best about him: He is smart and can cook up good plans

Favorite food - pizza
Favorite Drink - sprite

Music: anything. Adrian lives for music

Books: Big time book worm. Likes exciting books with lots of action

Movies: likes movies with races or car chases in them

Sports: Basketball

Color: Blue

Best way to spend a weekend: Hanging out with his friends and racing bikes

A great gift for this person: music

Pets: none

Vehicle: motorcycle

Hopes and dreams: He wants to be in a Korean boyband with Matt

What's the worst thing he's ever done to someone and why: Most of the worst things were done to him. He's a pretty great guy. 

Greatest success: hunting down Matt

Biggest trauma: Joseph

What does he care about most in the world: Matt, his crew, and his foster family

Does he have a secret: No

If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: Win in an Xtreme Games match

Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: He colored all over his grandma's walls when he was seven, and had to spend all day washing walls in the house. 

He is the kind of person who: looks for the answers to the problem

Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: Adrian is honestly just a calm, caring person. Even though he likes excitement and adrenaline, he knows how to keep a group centered. He's a great leader.

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