Chapter 2

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*August 21st*

Natasha P.O.V

I felt my eyes open to the sun coming in through the window. My head hurt and I couldn't stop thinking about Steve. I didn't know if it was because I caught feelings or because I just had a really good night. I got out of bed to look at myself in the mirror. I saw some of the hickies Steve gave me and a smile crept out from my lips. I changed quick, trying to cover up some of the noticeable hickies and went downstairs to eat breakfast. In the kitchen, Tony and Pepper were whispering and laughing which got me suspicious.
"Had a good night Nat?" They both laughed and I got confused. Why were they laughing?
"Whats going on?" I gave them a death stare.
"We heard you last night."
"WHAT! umm... I mean...What did you hear?" I tried to calm down.
"Well we heard a bit of Oh daddy. And a bit of moaning too."
"Oh god." Tony was laughing and Pepper asked
"So who is the lucky guy?"
"Umm..." I didn't want them to find out it was Steve,"I don't know. I was too drunk." I lied.
"Its okay, we'll just look at the security cameras."
"Tony! We are not going to watch Natasha have sex with this guy." I felt a wave of relief passing through me but it quickly came back when Pepper continued, "We'll watch the ones of the elevator."
"Fine." Tony grabbed Pepper's hand and walked to the security room.

Tony started to look back at the tapes from yesterday.
"Wait, stop. I think I saw her. Go back." Pepper was really intrigued but I was nervous as fuck. I didn't want them to find out about Steve. Not before i could talk to him. "There we go." said Pepper. You could see me in the dress I wore yesterday kissing Steve.
"Wow Romanoff, I didn't think you'd like capsicle. I guess we can't make the virgin jokes anymore, huh." Tony had a smirk on his face.
"I don', I was...drunk and I didn't know what I was doing. We both didn't."
"Umm...Nat. Steve cant get drunk. He was sober." replied Pepper. My face went blank.
"What?!" I shouted.
"Yeah something about the serum Tony's dad gave him doesn't let him get drunk."She continued.
"Why didn't he tell me?" I asked them both.
"I don't know. Maybe he just wasn't ready. Or maybe he just needed comfort." Tony replied, trying to hide the smirk.
"Yeah, its probably the second one." I said, frowning a little.

Steve P.O.V

When I woke up, I knew I had to avoid Natasha. If we made the mistake again, it would ruin our friendship. I didn't want to tell Nat about me not being able to get drunk because I knew she would stop whatever we had and I didn't want that. At least It was just for a night and nobody will to find out. I thought. Now, looking back at it, I can see how wrong I was.

I got out of bed and changed into a tight shirt and some sweatpants. I had to go to work and try to avoid Natasha. I hopped in my car and arrived to the Avengers compound. There you could see Tony with Nat and Pepper and Wanda with Clint and vision. I didn't know what I was supposed to do about the Natasha thing. I was scared what it was going to do to our friendship and Natasha was too good of a friend to lose.

"You are five minutes late. Fury wants you and Natalie in his office now." Tony shouted. Nat looked at me and we walked silently towards the entrance. None of us said a thing. We were both very nervous.
"Ahh there you are! Come on I have a very important mission for you two!" Fury was as nice as ever. We walked up the stairs and Nick told us everything about the mission.

6 hours later...

Natasha P.O.V

"Steve, you ready to go?" I shouted. I had to talk to him before the mission.
"Yeah, come on." He looked happy going to this mission.
"Wait. Steve we have to talk." I didn't want to avoid the subject. I knew it was going to be hard because expressing my feelings wasn't one of my strong suit but this was necessary.

"About what?" He asked clueless.

"Umm...about yesterday. Look, I know-" I started but was cut out by Steve.

"Don't worry, I understand. We hooked up and now we are friends. I needed that hookup because I was painfully hurt with what happened with Sharon and you just where there at the right time, in the right place. Don't worry, we're good." He is probably right. I thought. We will just carry on being best friends.

We got to were we had to go for the mission and we found ourselves on a boat.
"Soo...Now that you and Sharon broke up, you have anyone in mind?" I tried to talk to him by breaking the ice; It was eating me alive.
"Oh don't start with this again." He said fed up but started laughing soon after. I joined in and replied teasingly,

"Oh come on, you know you love it." We laughed more but soon enough, it was an uncomfortable silence again.

Soon, we left the jet and got on with the mission. The sound of the men shouting didn't let me hear very well but I still managed to know how Steve was doing. He was fighting bad guys with his shield and I was shooting the rest of them. One of them was about to stab me when Steve came running and knocked him out cold.

"Thanks" Our eyes met. I looked into his blue ocean eyes. It felt like if I looked into his soul. He was walking towards me and I walked away. I bumped into a wall and when I went to look to the ship, Steve was surrounding me. He protected us from any bad guys that may attack and he kissed me. The kiss was passionate. Our tongues were together. When the kiss ended I whispered,
"We should get on with the mission." I smirked and he frowned. "Maybe later we'll carry on." We both smiled and got on with the mission. We fought some bad guys in our way, retrieved the pen drive Fury wanted and got back to the plane that takes us to the avengers compound.

"Here you go, Nick." I handed him the drive. "Why do you want it?" I asked. Nick looked at me with a confused face.
"You are my favourite agent, you know why? Because you do what I tell you and you never ask why." I nodded and walked away. I got into a car and drove to Steve's apartment. I had to tell him about Tony and Pepper knowing. I hoped he wouldn't  get mad.

Authors note:
Here you go. I tried to improve it a bit. Tell me if you like it, please. Don't forget to comment and vote if you like it.


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