Chapter 4

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*August 23rd*

Natasha P.O.V

These last 3 minutes have been the longest 3 minutes of my life. I was scared but excited at the same time. I could hear Maria, Pepper and Wanda outside the bathroom whispering. They were excited of being aunties.
"Times up Nat." Wanda said as she opened the door.

Wanda P.O.V

As I opened the door I saw Nat's face. She was worried and didn't know what to do. I'm guessing she had never taken one of these. Maria and Pepper where right next to me. Maria had taken the test and had taken a look at it.
"Its negative." Maria said. Natasha's eyes opened. You could see a tear slowly falling down her cheek.
"Really? I mean are you sure?" She said with a breaking voice.
"Yes. Now you don't have to worry." Maria said.
"Isn't that what you wanted?" I replied looking at Natasha.
"Well Yeah. I mean I was a little excited. But Negative? I don't know I feel like I somehow I wanted it. huh." Natasha was now proper crying. You could see in her eye she was hurting inside.
"It's positive." Maria said. She had a smirk on her face.
"What?"Pepper said with a confused look. I was surprised.
"Yeah Its positive. I lied before but now you know how you really feel about the baby and about Steve."
"I am going to kill you! You made me cry in front of you." Maria's face went from a smirk into a worried face.
"I have to go. Bye!" Maria went running out of the room. She new what Natasha was capable of.
"We are going to leave you alone. You should tell Steve. He deserves to know." I said whilst Pepper and I walked towards the door.

Steve P.O.V

I was lying down on my bed thinking about Natasha. She had been gone for a while now and I was getting worried. The wedding was soon and i wanted to talk to her before it. She was probably with Pepper so I got up and walked over to Pepper and Tony's room. When I was about to knock Tony stopped me and said
"Hey don't go there. I need you to help me. I'm kinda freaking out."
"Tony its okay. Its your wedding day. Come on. Lets get you ready." I said whilst guiding him to my room. I opened the door to find myself with Natasha in it.
"Oh Tony. Umm Tony is here. Umm... I'm going to go help Pepper. Umm...I need to talk to you later." Her hand was shaking and it wasn't good. She was pale. I think she had been throwing up again.
"Are you okay?" I asked whilst grabbing her hand.
"Yeah." She didn't sound convincing. I gave her a worried look but she walked out of the room before she could see it.
"Well that didn't go well. Whats wrong with her?" Tony was actually a bit worried about her.
"She is probably fine. Lets get you in your Tux." I gave him what he had to wear and he went into the bathroom to change.

Natasha P.O.V

I wasn't that ready to tell Steve. I was getting more worried every second I thought about it. I was worried the red room was going to come after the baby. But what I was more worried about was Steve. How is he going to react. Maybe he doesn't want to be with me and the baby and maybe he leaves me. The worst part is that I don't know how to take care of a baby. I bumped into Pepper that was carrying her wedding dress.
"Nat! Here you are. I've been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been? Have you told Steve? You know about the baby? And can you please help me? I'm a little stressed." Pepper was about to collapse.

"Hey its okay. Lets go to your room. And no I haven't told Steve. yet." Ill tell him after the wedding. The wedding is the most important thing right now. And me as the maid of honour am going to help you all the way through it. Now calm down." I said this whilst guiding her to her room. We walked in and she three herself to the bed. Tears were falling down her cheeks. I rushed over there and sat down next to her.
"Hey its okay. Its okay." I whispered whilst giving her a hug. "Whats wrong?"
"Everything. The wedding isn't going as planned. And Tony. Oh Tony. I love him so much but. He is just well Tony. I dont know if I should marry him. What if he does something like what he did when he made me CEO of Stark Industries?" She was sobbing now.

"Hey its okay. Tony he is just Tony but he loves you so much. Remember when he was so broken hearted he was always drunk. He didnt get over your breakup because he didnt get over the fact that he loved you. And he has matured a lot. He loves you now more than ever. Dont doubt yourself. He loves you more than words can explain it. Im telling you." She stopped crying and gave me a look.
"Is it me or is this not about Tony anymore? You LOVE Steve, dont you?"
"What?! No! Love is for children."
"Like the child growing inside you?" She was kind of laughing now.
"Lets get you in your dress. I promise I will talk to Steve. And dont worry about the wedding. I have it all controlled." She changed and was all ready wearing her wedding dress.
"Oh my god you are beautiful. And that dress. Wow. It's out of this world. I can't believe I'm going o cry. " She chuckled and went to put on her heals. "Lets go." I took her hand and got her stuff as we both walked out the room. You could tell Pepper was still nervous but isn't everyone on their wedding day?

Authors note:
Hi here is chapter 4. Please comment ideas and don't forget to vote!

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