#90-Three Million Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It

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LunarWarrior16 dared Rin to write 3 million fanfics. That are rated M for mature.

Rin: *closes closet* Uhhhh, what if I already have those...?

Then, Len has to read them. 2.5 million of them have to be RinxLen though.

Rin: Heheheheh... What a coincidence...

Len: why me

Mamoru: Do I need to get the bucket again...?

Fluffy: It maybe strongly needed.

Twi: You know what Len, I'll make this easy for you.

Len: H-How?! This is Rin's fanfics we are talking about!

Twi: I'll read them all out loud so you won't have to spend so much time.

Len: *facedesk* Rin's fanfics will be the end of Twi's innocence...

Twi: Now, just let me look up what the term 'Turn on' means...

Rin: Heheheheh... I kinda went a tiny bit over board with all of them...

Len: A little?!


First Million

Twi: Suddenly, Rin felt a surge of butterflies in her stomach. Since when did Len's ponytail look so cute? Did she just notice that his blue eyes was like looking at the sky? Also, he looked just like her! Did they have a connection or what?

Len: *banging head against wall*

Rin: *eating popcorn*

Mamoru: *trying to get some popcorn*

Oliver: *sigh* This is worse than the OliverxRin ones that she wrote...

Rin: We have a few if you want them to be read.

Oliver: Nope! That's okay! Don't need to!

IA: Honestly, RinxLen is so overrated.

Rin: You shut up!

Twi: While Rin was busy sorting out Len's similarities, Len was thinking about how much Rin looked cute in her clothes. Today she wore a simple shirt with an orange that had a cat face on it. She wore faded jeans and her bow sat on her head like always. How did he never notice that she looked cute like that?

Len: You little vain orange.

Rin: It's the truth, Len.



Rainbow: Maybe listening in on this was a bad idea...

Fluttershy: Y-Yeah...

Mamoru: *eating Rin's popcorn*

Second Million

Twi: So... Apparently, this is something called a 'Lemon'.


Scootaloo: Ah, what? No, if Rainbow Dash is gonna be here, then I'm gonna listen!

Applebloom: We finished all our homework!

Sweetie-Belle: I honestly just wanna listen.

Twi: Well, can't be that bad, right?

Len: *facepalm*

Rin: Ohohuohohohohhh.

Mamoru: ...Rin-chan, the popcorn's gone.

Twi: Okay. So, Miku took Luka into her bedroom. "Are you sure we can do this?" Luka asked. She was really nervous, and unsure why she even agreed to doing this. Miku nodded her head. "Ah huh! Luka-san! Let's do our best!"

Applebloom: Oh! Are they gonna learn something?

Scootaloo: Oh great, learning...

Sweetie-Belle: They seem excited!

Len: Yeah... A little too excited... *glaring at Rin*

Rin: *shrugs* That's MikuxLuka, everyone.


Three Million

The CMC: *crying*

Twi: There... has been... a total.. of... one thousand Lenons in this collection...!

Len: *internally crying*

Rin: Done~!

Fluffy: *looks up from calculator* ...We've completed 10% of her collection with this three million...

Len: I CANT FUCKING TAKE THIS ANYMORE. *jumps out window*

Twi: WAIT FOR ME. *jumps with him*

Rainbow: Wait, Twi! You have wings!

Rin: *takes a PikoxLen fanfic and starts reading*

Piko: STHAP READING THAT RIN. *jumps after Twi and Len*

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