To have a battle inside
To have no army but you
To have weapon but nowhere
The winning percentage still blurs
Or was it unknown since before
To hope for the war to end
But exactly when did it start hell I know no more
To atone for the sins
Then I sinned again but its different now
I find no exit nor another path to escape
Will I wander for long this way round?
Will I ever find the light before it's too late?
Will I remember to look for a way out still?
Will there be someone out there waiting for me?
Will there be anyone reaching their hands out to me?
Help me please
Help me
PoetryAl Fatihah untuk hati yang selalu mengalah. Nadi kisah yang aku kurung bisu dari dunia P/s : bukan semuanya hasil aku Should have done this last year, but I'm demotivated so it's a loooong journey before it'll be completed