Unrequited Love

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Jason DiLaurentis X OC (angst)

Note: Hope you enjoy the story! Please read at your own risk! Story may contain mature themes/ mental health related problems!

Loving someone is hard. It can hurt so bad to destroy someone. It could also make you feel like the happiest person on earth.

Ami Fields is the girl that has always loved Jason Dilaurentis. She loved him so much that it hurts her to see him upset. He didn't deserve the horrible ways he has been treated by his fathers or the way that he was lied to his whole life. She knew that he has always doubted himself and felt like the black sheep of his family.

Ami is the only one that ever tries to understand the boy, and she saw the true nature of the boy which is also why she fell for the said boy. However, the more she felt for the boy, the more times her heart seem to shatter. She has always tried to be by his side to support him and let him know that he is more than what he thinks he is. But he only ever saw her as a friend. Of course, he never failed to show her how much he appreciated having her by his side during his tough times. But she can tell that he will never look at her the way she wanted him to.

Ami thought that just being by his side and seeing him happy was sufficient. But when he first showed interest in her best friend, Aria, her heart broke into two. Never would she have saw it coming, but if both of them are happy then she should be happy too right? She helped him to make a good impression on Aria and get closer to her.

During the night, when the both of them kissed, she cried herself to sleep and the next morning, she wake up persuading herself to be happy for them.

When their relationship, didn't get any further because Aria still loved Ezra. She felt bad to feel relieved. Jason didn't say much but she knew he must have felt down being rejected by someone he liked. So she spent the whole day with him, making sure he was okay.

Then, Alison's trail happened. Her heart shattered once again and her world seem to have turned upside down after taking in the information that Jason had slept with Hanna's mom.

Her ears were ringing as she walks out of the courtroom. She couldn't understand why out of all people, it had to be one of her best friend's mother. Was she so unappealing to him? Was she that bad? As she walked into the toilet cubicle, she couldn't control her tears anymore, she slid down the toilet door and started to sob loudly. That was when she realised that she will never be on his choice list and he will never return those feelings of hers. It occured to her that she will never be as good as Aria nor Ashley Marin. She wasn't as pretty as either of them nor has talent like Aria.

The next few days, she avoided him at all costs, declining all his calls and blocking all his messages. She have to avoid him, it hurts too much. She cannot bare staring at him, without tears running down her cheeks.

Next thing she knew, they were already captured in the dollhouse. During the time in the dollhouse, A had given them presents, played games with them and tortured them. It was living hell.

When the girls got rescued after one month, they were all having a hard time trying to live their lives normally. Nothing felt safe and everything reminds them of what they have been through in the dollhouse. They were all trying their best to put things in the past and move on.

Ami, however, had closed herself from the world and spent her days hiding in the corner of her room. She didn't want to see or talk to anyone. She was like a broken doll, her eyes were dull and there were dark circles under her eyes. She doesn't move from her spot unless she needed to use the bathroom. Her room was dark and the curtains were close, shutting anyone out.

Emily was worried about her sister. She didn't like seeing her like this and she wished to take away some of the pain she was feeling. Her dad has called a few times asking about her but she didn't want to talk and her mom had tried to get her to talk to a therapist, but she refused as well.

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