Unrequited Love Part 2

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Jason DiLaurentis x OC (angst/fluff)

Ami's POV

That night after I told the girls everything. Spencer had called me the next morning, apologising for spilling my feelings to Jason.

Honestly, I was not mad at her, I know she did that because she cared about me and it was probably for the best to let him know why we shouldn't see each other.

I miss him, I truly do but it would not do both of us any good if I were to meet him. I have already decided to move on from this one-sided love and meeting him is probably gonna make it harder.

So far, I have been lucky not to run into him in town. Rosewood is only so big, thus it is highly likely to run into someone you know.

I have been trying my hardest not to think about him but all the events these few days had made it nearly impossible.

The girls and I have been trying to find out more about Charles DiLaurentis, the name we found in the dollhouse. Turns out Charles was actually Jason and Alison's dead older brother who was sent to Radley and Mr and Mrs DiLaurentis have convinced Jason he was not real.

I can't help but feel bad for him, his whole life have been a lie. I kept thinking how he must have felt after taking in all these informations. I feel bad not being able to be there for him like I used to but I am scared it will be too late to pull back my feelings for him if I continue being around him.

I had talked to Alison and she told me that she will try her best to look out for him but I still can't help but worry.


(Few days later)

The girls and I are having trouble contacting Ali. She is not picking up her calls and she is not at her house either. I am with Spencer and Hanna trying to find out more about the Carrissimi Group. That's when Spencer's phone rang.

It was from Alison. Spencer talks to her on the phone for awhile before she hang up and Spencer update us that Charles is alive. He had sent his birthday invitation to her dad, threatening to come home.

Spencer then looked worriedly at me as she told me that Jason is determined to meet him.

That's all I need to hear before I basically ran out of the Brew with the other girls hot on my tail towards Jason's house. What is he thinking? There is no saying what Charles would do to him and he could get seriously hurt. At this moment, all I could think about is Jason and how I am scared what Charles is gonna do to him. I have to talk to him! He can't just put himself in danger like this!

When we got to his house, we knocked on the door many times but he does not answer it. I knew it was hard to change his mind when he had already set his mind on something. But we can't just let him walk into Charles's trap like this.

I tried to call his phone. Maybe if he sees it was me, he will answer? For the first few calls, it rings for a while before going to voicemail. But afterwards, it went straight to voicemail, meaning the person had switched off their phone.

We had no choice but to leave his house and discuss a better plan to help him.


(Time Skip)

Hanna had managed to put one of Caleb's GPS tracker on Jason's car so that we would know when he is on the move. We had decided to tell Toby and removed our microchips.

Toby had made it clear that we cannot follow him and he will be going alone. I understand why he had not want us to follow but I can't just sit here and do nothing when Jason could be in danger any second.

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