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Jason DiLaurentis x OC (fluff)

Note: I will be using the same OC (Ami) as it is easier for me to write but feel free to change the name if you like. This story is not connected to the previous few parts. Hope you enjoy the story! Don't be shy to leave a comment!

Third Person's POV

Ami was sitting in her bedroom looking through a photo album that consists of photos of her since young. She felt nostalgic looking through the photos and a smile made its way up her face as she looked at the photos of her and her friends. The girls and her have been through a lot together and from the very bottom of her heart, she felt grateful to have them.

They were finally free from A and all preparing for their next step in life. Some of them were leaving Rosewood. She felt sad saying goodbye to them, but she knew this departure is only temporary.

Ami was also planning to leave Rosewood to a place near the college she will be attending, but before that she wanted to spend a little more time with her family. And it was not easy leaving the town she grew up in.

As Ami flipped yet another page of the album, one of the photo immediately caught her eyes. It was a photo of her and Jason. They were smiling happily at the camera and Jason had his arm wrapped around Ami's shoulder.

Ami looked at the photo sadly as she gently slide her finger on the boy in the picture. The boy was also another reason she wanted to stay a little longer in Rosewood.

Jason and her had a history together. They had started dating even before Ali disappeared and got back together when Jason got back to Rosewood. However, they broke up again later on.

Ami was the one that ended things with him, leaving him confused and upset.

The reason being was to protect him. A had threatened her countless times that they will hurt him and she was scared that being with him will cause his life to be at risk.

At first, she wanted to believe A was just having fun threatening her but when the elevator incident happened and Jason almost lost his life, she freaked out. She didn't want to know what else A would do so she pushed Jason away to keep him safe.

Now that A was locked up and couldn't do any more harm to them, they could get back together again. But Ami felt that she didn't deserve him after hurting him, so she didn't tell him that she still loved him.

She looked at the boy in the picture as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." She said as if the boy could hear her.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the doorbell rang. She quickly wiped her tears and went to get the door.

As Ami opened the door, she was surprised to see an anxious-looking Alison standing there. "What's wrong, Ali?"

Alison furrowed her eyebrows as she asked the girl, "Did Jason came over or called you?"

Ami shook her head as she also start to feel anxious. "What happened?"

Ali looked at her for a moment before she told her, "I haven't been able to get ahold of him since this morning. I have called him several times but there's no answer and I asked some of his friends if they had seen him but none of them seem to know where he is. I'm worried as you know he hasn't being doing well since finding out about Charles's identity. You were my last hope because I do not know where else he could be."

Ami was getting very worried and wanted to help find the boy. She quickly told Alison that she will help to find him and quickly went to grab her things.

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