Unrequited Love Final Part

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Jason DiLaurentis x OC (fluff)

Note: Continuing from where I left off in part 2~ I have got the idea to write the full story with this OC but I'm still thinking hehe :) Hope you enjoy this story!

As the couple pulled away from their hug, Ami averted her eyes to the ground shyly. Her face was flushing from both the fever and the confession made by the boy.

Jason looked at the girl and chuckled softly. He grabbed her hands in his which made her look up at him.

"I would like for us to become official but first I want to get the approval from your parents and friends."

Ami smiled softly and replied, "Jason, it is my decision if I want to be in a relationship with you. I'm sure my parents and friends would come around the idea of us being together, even if they don't approve us now."

However, Jason was determined. He shook his head and said, "After everything you have done for me, I want to get the permission from the people you love to give me a chance to love you and to protect your smile. In the past, it was you looking out for me and bringing happiness into my life. So now, it is my turn. I want to be the shoulder you can lean on and to be with you through the bits and pieces of life."

Ami's heart warmed, hearing the words from the boy. "I'm sure my friends and family would definitely approve of you if they heard what you just said."

The couple smiled lovingly at each other before Ami's expression fell as she held the side of her head. The pain from the headache had gotten worse. Jason noticed this and immediately lifted the girl into his arms.

Ami let out a surprised shriek and blushed, "I...I could walk by myself..."

"With a swollen ankle and a headache?" Jason asked as he raised his eyebrows.

Ami sighed, knowing it would not change a thing protesting to the boy. Jason carried her to his car to drive them back to the hospital.

As Jason turned his keys and started the engine of his car to drive, he looked over at the pale girl leaning against the window. He sighed and flicked the girl on her forehead gently, "This is what you get for not listening to the doctor and risking your life like that."

Ami pouted at him, "I was just worried about you... Besides, you don't get to scold me after you risked your life to see Charles." Ami folded her arms across her chest and looked away from him like a childish child.

Jason sighed once again as he frowned, "I knew what I was getting myself into, but what I wanted was just one moment with my own brother. I wanted to ask him the reason why he was torturing you and the girls. It was the only thing I thought of that I could do for you. I wanted to get answers and stop all these torture for you. I was going to persuade him to stop everything and turn himself in."

Ami looked at the boy as he gripped his steering wheel tightly. His expression had turned sorrow.

She felt bad for the boy and wanted to comfort him.

She placed her hand on his, "Jason, I am sure we will get to the bottom of this together alright? I know you want answers and to help us but I wouldn't feel any happier if the answers came from you risking your life. I want you to be safe because I love you. I know he is your brother but we cannot be sure that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I'm sorry to have followed after you but if I were to be honest, I would have done the same if I was given another chance. If there is any chance of you getting hurt, I would definitely go after you. So please promise me no more secret meeting with Charles anymore."

Jason looked over at Ami, taking in her worried expression. He then finally let out a small smile and nodded his head. "I promise." He said as he held onto Ami's hand that was on top of his.

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