Precious arrival

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Jason DiLaurentis x OC (fluff)

Third person's POV

"Are you sure you both will be alright?" Emily asked worriedly as she looked at Ami. Alison and her were going out to spent the day together to celebrate their anniversary.

Ami had volunteered to help them to take care of Grace and Lily(their daughters) when Emily told her about their anniversary.

"Jason and I will be fine! Don't worry Em! Just relax and enjoy the day together!" Ami said as she smiled at both of the girls.

"Just call us in case of anything." Alison said as she smiled back at the girl.

Ami nodded as she watched the two girls walked towards their car and headed off.

As Ami walked back into the house, she almost squealed in delight at the scene in front of her.

Jason was playing with the twins, making funny faces which caused the twins to laugh. Jason had not notice her standing there yet as he was too busy playing with them.

Looking at the interaction between the twins and her husband, Ami placed her hand on her belly as she smiled and spoke softly to her own baby. "I'm sure daddy will be so happy when mommy tell him about you! Mummy loves you so much and I'm sure Daddy will too! Thank you for coming to us!"

Ami had just found out that she was pregnant a few days ago but she had yet to tell her husband. She wanted to give him a surprise on his upcoming birthday which is coincidentally the day after. She had planned to tell him right after midnight today.

They have had conversations about having a family before together and had came to an agreement that they were both at the right age and it was a good time to walk into the next step of their life. So when Ami found out she was pregnant, she was jumping with joy and couldn't wait for her husband to know. She hadn't told anyone yet as she wanted Jason to be the first to know.

She was sure that her mum would be very happy when she heard that she was going to have another grandchild again.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a toy car hitting her feet. She looked over at the twins that were smiling cutely at her and proceeded to pick up the car and joined her husband to play with the kids.


It was definitely not easy taking care of babies. Ami and Jason had spend the whole day playing and attending to the needs of the twins.

Although it was tiring, but the couple had done everything together and figured everything out.

It was a new experience for the both of them. They both couldn't help but feel excited to have their own child. The thought of a mini version of themselves running around in the house brought a smile up to their faces.


Ami was washing the dishes in the kitchen as Jason placed the twins to bed. He covered them with their blanket gently as he smiled softly at the sleeping twins.

Afterwards, he left the room quietly and went to the kitchen to find his wife.

Ami was wiping the last plate to dry when she felt arms wrapped around her from behind. Smiling softly, she leaned back into her husband's embrace.

"I didn't know you were so great with children." Ami said as she felt her husband kissing her cheek.

Jason chuckled as he replied, "Gotta be prepared for our own child, I'm gonna be the best dad."

"I am sure you will be!" Ami says as she turned around in his embrace and held his face.

"And I'm sure you will be the best mom." The couple smiled lovingly at each other as they leaned in to close the gap between their lips.


It was already past midnight when Ami stepped out of the shower. She went to check on the twins before proceeding to find her husband that was in the living room.

As she walked closer to the living room, she could hear the noise from the television. Her smile softened as she saw her husband who had fallen asleep on the sofa. He must have been tired from taking care of the twins the whole day.

Ami turned off the tv and quietly approached Jason who was still sound asleep on the sofa. She kneeled down softly close to her husband and gently brushed a few strands of his hair away from his eyes.

She smiled lovingly at the sleeping boy, and whispered softly to him, "Happy birthday! Thank you for being the best husband and always giving me a shoulder to lean on. I love you!" Ami then proceeded to press a kiss to his lips.

As she started to pull away from the kiss, she felt arms around her which pulled her back into another kiss. Without breaking the kiss, Jason had rolled onto his back on the sofa and pulled Ami along with him. She landed on top of his chest as she looked into the pretty green eyes of her lover.

"Were you pretending to be asleep?" Ami laughed as they pulled away from the kiss. Jason smirked as he replied, "If I hadn't, I would have missed those heartfelt words."

A smile tugged at her lips as she laid her head on his broad chest. Jason slowly runs his fingers through her hair as they enjoyed the moment together before he pressed a kiss on the crown of her head and said, "I love you too!"

No matter how many times Ami had heard those words from Jason, her heart still warms when she heard it. Feeling glad to have him by her side, she smiled happily, closing her eyes and listening to his heartbeat as she laid on his chest.

They stood in that position for awhile before Ami suddenly remembered the surprise she had planned.

"I have a present for you." Ami broke the silence as she pulled away from the embrace and walked to get a small box that was wrapped nicely.

Jason looked at her curiously as she handed the box to him. He shook the box lightly first, trying to figure out what was inside, before tearing open the wrapping paper and opening the box.

When he opened the box, he was surprised to see the content inside.

Inside the box, was a pregnancy test stick showing two lines. Knowing the meaning of what the two lines meant, he immediately turned to Ami wanting to confirm what he was thinking. When she nodded her head confirming his suspicion, his face broke into a huge smile as he immediately pulled her into a hug.

Nothing could seem to describe the emotion he was feeling now. He was overjoyed. He then proceeded to continuously press kisses on Ami's face, thanking her for giving him the best birthday gift ever. Ami giggled as she pushed Jason's face away from her's, feeling ticklish from the kisses Jason was pressing against her face.

With the smile still on his face, Jason moved his hand gently to her belly and looked lovingly at the baby. "Thank you for coming into our world! Daddy can't wait to hold you!"

Ami's heart swells with happiness seeing Jason so happy after hearing the news about the baby.

"Do you think our baby is a boy or a girl?" She asked the boy curious to hear his preference.

Jason's eyes shined as he replied, "I will love both equally. If it is a girl, she will be my little princess that I promise I will protect forever. If it is a boy, I will teach him many things and we will protect their mummy together."

Ami laughed as she looked at the bright smile on her husband's face.

The feeling of excitement for the precious arrival of their baby was what the couple had felt at this moment. They promise to love and protect their baby together forever. And were going to build a happy home together with no secrets for their child.

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