Don't leave me

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Genre: angst to fluff

Third Person's POV

Y/N was sitting on Spencer's bed as she did her science homework. She had asked the girl if she could come over as she needed help with her homework.

It was actually just an excuse for her not wanting to be home as she was avoiding Jason and she didn't want to have to answer her mom's question about why she is refusing to see him.

Y/N had tried her best to stay away from the said boy simply because of their one and only tormentor, A. She didn't want Jason to be in any danger because he was involved with her. She had rather he be safe and happy with someone else than putting his life at risk because they were together. She wanted to protect the boy she loves but Jason does not agree with her decision.

Jason had known about A as he had found out about them by accident, thus he didn't agree to the break up when Y/N had tried to keep him away to protect him. He knew that she was trying to protect him but similarly he wanted to protect her. He wanted to be there for her when she is suffering because of A.

But Y/N wouldn't let him, she didn't want to risk it, she wouldn't forgive herself if Jason got hurt because of her. She had made her stand clear to Jason but he didn't give up, believing that they could overcome everything together.

He had been using his ways to try to get Y/N to accept him again. He continues to text her everyday and approach her as much as he could to show his love for her and tried to take away the fear she held in her heart.

There were so many times which she had to control herself from running back into his arms. Her heart still desires to be with him and she wanted to give in but she knew that she couldn't. She couldn't put him in danger because of her selfishness. Thus, she started to avoid him as she was scared that she would give in to her feelings.

Y/N was snapped out of her daze as she heard Spencer clearing her throat beside her. "You have been staring at the same page for the past 10 minutes." Spencer says as she took note that the girl had been playing with the necklace on her neck.

She had subconsciously played with it as she get lost in her own thoughts. It was the necklace Jason had given to her and she doesn't have the heart to take it off. "Maybe he's right. We shouldn't let A control our lives, you breaking up with Jason is what they want, but we shouldn't live in fear of them." Spencer says as she knew what was on her friend's mind.

"I know what you are trying to say. But I couldn't risk it, I could live with it if he is healthy and safe with someone else but not putting himself in danger because we are together." Y/N sighs as she looked at her friend.

"I would have done the same with Toby but from the guy's point of view, Jason probably wants to protect you too! He wants to be there with you even if it means getting himself in danger in the process." Spencer replied.

Before Y/N could answer back, Spencer's phone rang.

Spencer picked up the phone as she stood up from her bed. When Spencer was talking on the phone, Y/N looked back down at her necklace as she processed what her friend said.

"Yeah, she's here beside me." Y/N looked up curiously at her friend as she heard Spencer said to the person on the phone.

Y/N got worried when she saw Spencer frowning as she listened to the other person spoke on the phone. After a minute, Spencer ended the call after saying, "I will bring her there."

Y/N was about to ask what it was about but Spencer was quick to explain the situation. "It was Toby. You need to go to Jason right now, Toby had found him drunk in a bar. He had too much to drink and I'm scared that he might have to go back to rehab if this goes on as he had started drinking again since you broke up with him."

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