Free Adult (sort of)

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Harry exited the bank with an uncontrollable smile on his face, turning up the corners of his mouth in a small smirk.

He made his way down the steps and into the crowd, heading straight for the little shop that the goblins had advised he visit.

It lay in a side alley that broke off from the main shopping area.

He followed the directions that he had been given and sped up as he saw the place that he was looking for. He also remembered what the older goblin had said.


"Ah, if you're leaving, might I make a suggestion."

Harry nodded at him to continue, as he gathered his backpack and swung it around onto his shoulder, his statements and inheritance test all folded safely within the wandlessly expanded space.

"You should buy a foci. They're quite common, though usually only pure bloods and some half-bloods know where to get them. A foci will act as a focus for your wandless magic. Most of the older families begin teaching their children how to perform it, once they start at one of the magical schools. It would be worn on some form of jewellery and would increase the potency of your casting. Some even prefer them to wands."

Harry looked surprised as his eyes went between the two goblins.

"Wouldn't it seem out of place to use a foci when I have a perfectly working wand? Especially at school."

The goblin smiled, looking naturally blood-thirsty even as it wasn't intended that way. Well, at least Harry hoped it wasn't.

"Not at all, Harry." He had told them to call him that, after finishing his earlier request.

"Many pureblood families enter their children into time chambers. It's something of a rite in the pure blood society. They spend their summer months training in wandless magic and improving upon their studies. For this same reason, many claim their inheritances at the same time as you have. However, the wand does not register this, so they must buy new foci to use, until the ministry trace is dropped from their wand. That happens once you graduate your last year at school, or become emancipated. Though emancipation is very rare nowadays."

Harry looked at them with a relieved smile.

"So, there will be others in my year that are already seventeen, as well?"

The goblins both nodded.

"If they're using a foci, they've probably already reached their majority."

Harry smiled at them both brightly, excited that he wasn't going to be unique in this. He hated being singled out for being weird or unusual.


End flashback

He looked up at the storefront before him and read the name at the top, 'Early Bloomers'. Somehow, he felt sort of antagonised, by the name. Like, were they trying to be antagonistic?

He shook those thoughts away and hoisted his bag further up his shoulder, the strap having slipped as he walked.

Moving forward, he pushed the door open and entered the shop. Only to be surprised as he was met by a pristine room, looking somewhat like what he may expect in a first-class muggle jewellery boutique.

 Only to be surprised as he was met by a pristine room, looking somewhat like what he may expect in a first-class muggle jewellery boutique

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