Chapter 83

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The next morning...

The captain woke to the gentle rocking of his ship as sunlight cut through the thin white curtains. Not wanting to wake up, he turned to his other side, now facing a pale freckled-faced woman with wavy blond hair. His princess. Her breathing was steady, and her blood-red lips pressed up in a smile as she was still in a deep slumber. Strips of sunlight ran across her face, enhancing her natural glow. He always wondered how one person could be so god damn gorgeous and how he was lucky enough to call her his. Killian let a content smile grow as he brushed some hair out of Emma's face, revealing her rosy cheeks.

The princess scrunched her face as she slowly opened her eyes. Killian felt his heart skip a beat when her emerald green eyes met his. He swore at that moment he'd never see the color green the same ever again. Green was the least of his favorite colors in all his life, but now, it was the color he loved most. "Good morning." Emma's sleepy voice filled the air as she snuggled closer to him.

He placed a kiss on her head as he draped an arm over her, protecting her from the morning sunlight that threatened to wake her up. She buried her face into his chest and let out a peaceful sigh. The captain never felt so at peace. Laying her with Emma, wrapped in his arms, made him feel like life was finally worth living, "Good morning, my love."

Killian shot up in bed, finding he was in his room at the summer palace. Loud banging on the oak door had woken him from his dream. It was too early for this. He laid his head back on his cool pillow, hoping to return to his amicable slumber as the banging continued. He turned to his side, hoping Emma would somehow be there. Unsurprisingly, she wasn't, and yet his heart still sank with disappointment. It almost seemed foreign for her not to be asleep next to him.

Without warning, his door flung open. Standing before him was King David, in his nightwear, with panic plastered on his face. The captain propped himself up in bed, this time a bit more concerned. He could now hear the queen's cry ring through the palace. Something must have been wrong. "Where is she?" The king demanded, tears building in his eyes.

Sleep still fogged the pirate's brain. Perhaps this was another dream. "I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific." He shook his head, genuinely confused.

"Emma! Who else?" David shouted back rudely, "Where is she?"

Killian felt his own panic begin to rise. He hadn't seen her since last night. How the hell should he know?

"Sir, Henry and Merlin are gone as well." A guard popped into the room, "Some of the maids believe clothes are missing, as well as a few bags."

"Where the hell are they?" The king began to shout, "A palace full of guards, and you let three people go missing? One of them being my daughter!"

Killian felt like his ears became clogged as everything fell into a mumble. A thousand thoughts flooded his mind, but he tried to remain as calm as possible. It was as if everything was happening in slow motion as he got out of bed, "Emma's missing?"

David turned to the pirate, sweat beading upon his forehead, "Yes." The king tried to steady his breathing, "The guards woke to do their morning walkthrough and found her missing. Along with Merlin and Henry."

"David!" Snow called from the other room.

Without waiting, the two men dashed into the other room, Emma's room. The queen was standing by a small vanity, "Look." She held up a note, followed by the pink-diamond swan necklace that belonged to Emma.

The king scanned his daughter's note then threw it across the room in frustration, "She's gone to the Kingdom of Ambrosia to talk to Rumplestiltskin." He revealed, "Merlin and Henry went with her."

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