Chapter 47

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That same day... 

Emma helped the two chefs make one of Killian's favorite meals, fresh fish with some vegetables. She also added some mashed potatoes, one of her favorites. The chefs were not too fond of the simple meal. For them it was bland, tasteless, and something they would never cook on a regular day. They insisted they could make it better, but the princess declined their offer. Neal somewhat agreed with the chefs, not his favorite meal, but he also didn't mind it. It made his belly full and that was enough for him. The captain however spent many years eating food like this, so he loved it. Of course he thought the meals from his time in the castle tasted eons better, but simple, tasteless, food was what he had known his whole life. It didn't bother him one bit, nor did it bother Emma. She knew it was an acquired taste at times, especially since she grew up eating the finest meals, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world. She had many meals that were classified as royal meals that tasted way worse than the fish she helped cook. It also reminded her of her time on the Jolly Roger the year prior.

After dinner Neal retired to his sleeping quarters, otherwise known as the crew quarters. He would complain how the bunks were too small and uncomfortable, but Emma reminded him to humble himself upon Killian's ship. He was a guest who was already making too many demands. If Emma hadn't been there, he would sooner or later end up as a meal for the sea creatures.

It was now dark and Emma decided to stay up all night sailing with Killian, they would soon reach Story Island.

    "Swan, you should really get some shut-eye. I can manage sailing the old girl myself." Killian insisted.

    She smiled as she watched the waves crash against the ship from the railing of the Jolly Roger, "You're way more exhausted than me. Why don't you go and get some rest?" Emma suggested.

    Killian squinted his face, "If I stop sailing now, we won't reach port until noon."

    The princess made her way over to the captain, "I can sail while you sleep."

    "I only gave you one lesson. That you weren't even paying attention to." He laughed.

    Emma blushed at the statement, "Then I'll just stay up with you to keep you company."

    Killian wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in for a soft kiss which she gladly returned. "You're a stubborn lass."

    "And you love me for it." She smiled as she kissed him once more.

The two stood there hugging each other for what seemed like hours. Emma closed her eyes as she savored the smell of his leather jacket that had a mixture of saltwater and rum. She laid her head on his chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat. It was always so calming, one of her favorite sounds. His warmth comforted her. He rubbed her back ever so gently she felt she could fall asleep at any moment in the safety of his arms. Killian was resting his jaw on the princess's head, inhaling her sweet scent. Her hair always smelled like fresh roses and her skin was the softest thing he had ever felt. He kept a careful watch on the sea as he continued to sail them while holding his love. Her hug was one of the most comforting things he had ever come to know. And with her in his arms, he knew she was safe. It even helped his guilt slip away, almost as if the hug was reminding him of why keeping this secret was so important...

After a long night of sailing, they reached port the following morning. Emma was exhausted from not actually getting any sleep, but she didn't dare complain. Killian had felt like this every day, maybe even worse,  since they had left Misthaven. To no surprise, Neal was fast asleep. Despite how he complained of how uncomfortable he was, he slept like a baby. Emma woke him, telling them they would eat on the island. She even gave the chefs the day off since they would spend the night there as well. As long as they boarded the Jolly Roger before their departure time, they had the freedom to do as they pleased.

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