Chapter 54

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Still aboard King George's trading ship...

Killian shoved his trusty sword through his competitor, watching him fall to the ground. He hated these men, he hated King George. This was the king that sent him and his brother to that dreaded island, Neverland, to collect dreamshade. He was the reason his brother was dead. He was the reason he turned to piracy. Killian swore to kill anyone who worked for King George, kill anyone who had a love for the dreadful king. He swore to raise hell in any kingdom that befriended that king. He swore to kill his closest ally, King Midas, to hell with him and his gold. No amount of treasure could bring his brother back. King George killed the only family he had left, the only other person who understood him, the only person who felt the pain of abandonment as he did. He wanted that king dead. Today only added fuel to that fire. This very day was the day his brother died in his arms, leaving him alone in the world...

The captain turned around, ready to end another life, instead, he saw a woman with blond hair aboard the ship surrounded by many royal guards... His Emma. Damn that woman, too stubborn for her own good. Before he could even think, he saw a thin boy attack her, taking them both overboard. Instinctively he called out to her. A rush of emotions came over him. This was his fault. He should have just left the ship be, he should have been kinder to her that morning. He should have told her how much he loved her every second of every day... Killian knew better than anyone how unforgiving the sea could be, and he was not about to lose the one person he truly cared about, not again. Not on the same day he lost his brother, not to the same vile king.

He jumped in after Emma without a second thought. With a few seconds of searching, he found her and quickly swam over to her. He took her in his arms and called out her name. It was no use, she was taking in water and was slowly going out of consciousness. Above deck, his crew finished off the last of the royal guards and found a nearby rope to pull Emma and him up.

He laid her on deck, trying to hide his emotions from the crew. Despite how strong he tried to remain, it didn't stop him from feeling his heart shattering into pieces. "Emma..." He whispered as he gently shook her arm, "Wake up, love." His voice cracked, "Swan... please you can't leave me, not like this, not today."

Emma shot up, coughing out salty water. She gasped for air, vowing to never take another breath for granted. Killian rubbed her back, giving her enough space to catch her breath. "The boy..." She choked out.

"No need to worry, the sea will take care of him." Killian responded.

The princess's eyes widened, "No! You have to go get him!"

The captain was confused, "He tried to kill you."

"No!" Emma shook her head, standing up. "He tried to save me, we have to go get him." She insisted, walking over to the side of the ship.

The crew quickly dispersed, knowing this was not a place for them. Killian grabbed her arm, "He threw you into the sea, I'm not quite seeing how he saved you!" He raised his voice.

"If you won't save him I will." She said, turning around to face the captain. "The Killian Jones I know would do what is right and save him."

For some reason, that comment set him on fire. Why should he save a man who worked for King George? Why save a man who threw his love into the sea? Killian Jones was no man of honor and he just proved that by killing a ship full of royal men, the Killian Jones she claimed to know disappeared when it came to avenging his brother. "I am still the same Killian. You just briefly distracted me from the man I want to be."

Tears formed in Emma's eyes, not that anyone could tell given that she was soaking wet... "If you want to be a man who kills innocent people for no reason, then you're no man at all. You're a monster." She turned around and headed to the side of the royal ship.

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