Chapter 5

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Emma had drifted off to sleep while lying in bed, the sun was beginning to set and dinner would be soon. Above deck Captain Jones was steering his ship, both hands on the wheel, with no particular destination in mind. He watched members of his crew finish up their task before dinner, some mopping the deck, a few tying the ropes to the sails. Many headed below deck, to the kitchen since their jobs were finished. He didn't feel quite hungry yet and decided to continue on with sailing and just let his thoughts take over.

He eventually found himself thinking of his hostage, the princess. He didn't think she'd offer to be a hostage used for ransom. In fact, he never even thought of kidnapping her... She was her kingdom's only heir to the throne as well, so why was she out at sea all alone with just some knights to protect her? Surely her parents knew the danger of the sea as they themselves traveled a lot, why would they let their only daughter go out to sea with those men being her only protection? They obviously cherished her as she glowed with love... he just couldn't wrap his head around it.

    "Um... Captain... sir..." Smee asked, approaching the Captain with caution.

"What is it, Mr. Smee?" Killian asked, slight irritation in his tone.

"It is supper time, shall I bring the princess her dinner in the brig now, Captain?" Smee asked, slight anxiety in his tone.

"Aye, she's not in the cells though, she's in the spare room in the Captain's quarters." Captain Jones responded, handing him the key to the door.

"Why isn't she in the brig, sir?" Smee asked, without thinking.

"Because that's where I put her!" The captain answered, anger growing in his tone.

    "Ye- yes sir!" Smee said and quickly scurried off before he was to get into trouble.

If Killian was being honest with himself, he wasn't sure why he didn't just put her in the deepest part of the ship, she was nothing more than just a load of treasure once the trade was made. He did however respect her bravery and kindness towards her knights, he had never seen that before from any other hierarchy. He hadn't been a fan of royals, not since the death of his brother. Princess Emma however was starting to change his perspective and he hated it...

Down below in the kitchen Mr. Smee grabbed a plate and went into line to gather some food for the princess. He wasn't sure what she'd like, her typical food would taste eons better than what they ate on the Jolly Roger. He decided to get her some fish, mashed potatoes, some vegetables, and a small piece of bread. He got some silverware and headed to her room.

Once he reached the door he unlocked it but proceeded to knock. Emma heard the knock from her bed as she started to wake up from her long nap.

    "You may enter... " she responded, dazed and sleepy.

    "Hello ma'am... I've brought you supper." Mr. Smee responded with a smile, setting the food on her dresser.

    "Why thank you Mr..." Emma started, hoping to get his name.

    "Smee, ma'am." He answered.

    "Thank you, Mr. Smee, it looks delicious." The princess responded with a smile.

She wasted no time and dug into the mashed potatoes first. It wasn't until now she realized she hadn't eaten all day and was famished. To her surprise, the food wasn't bad at all, not quite the taste she was used to but nothing to make a fuss over either. She had been very grateful to even get super in a room instead of a cell.

    "Is there anything else you would like ma'am?" Mr. Smee asked, shaking her thoughts.

"Well, um... Some water would be lovely..." She said, hoping she wasn't pushing her luck. This man seemed kind and she was parched.

"Of course! I can't believe I forgot!" He responded, completely embarrassed.

Emma chuckled at the man, he did seem extremely kind and eager to do any task, no wonder he was the first mate. He'd get the job done and make you laugh at the same time.

"Anything else I can get you before I return?" He asked once more, preparing to leave.

"If you could ask your Captain when I'll be able to write my ransom note..." Emma began, knowing this was pushing her luck. Everyone on board never dared to approach the Captain unless he wanted you to.

"Um... well... I'll ask him..." He responded, fear once again entering his voice.

He left the room again, locking the door. She could see the fear in his face once she asked her question. She didn't like the idea that the man could get in trouble for asking a simple question, but the sooner she wrote her note, the sooner she could go home...

Emma had finished her meal quickly, finally feeling satisfied. She played with her fork, moving it back and forth on the empty plate, a small screeching sound followed. If she were at home right now her mother would most certainly be correcting her, saying it was rude and unladylike. Her father no doubt would be trying not to laugh. She missed home and her parents, she hoped they would understand why she did what she did...

The doorknob to the room started to giggle as it began to open. She was expecting Mr. Smee, but instead, the Captain himself entered the room with a pitcher of water and a tall glass.

    "Hello, Swan..." Killian said, pouring water into the glass, then handing it to the princess.

Emma noticed his new nickname for her, obviously referring to her necklace they discussed earlier.

"Good evening, Captain." Emma responded with a smile, taking a long sip from the glass, leaving it half full.

There was an awkward moment of silence between the two...

"So, what do I owe the pleasure of having the Captain visit?" Emma asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I was informed you are prepared to write the ransom note..." Killian started... "Just how are you going to deliver the note?" Killian asked.

"I was hoping you would dock on land soon... My mother taught me about messenger birds. Have you heard of them?" Emma asked.

"Aye, I have... there's only one issue." Killian said, sitting next to the princess on the bed.

"What would that be?" Emma questioned.

"Well for starters we are in the middle of the ocean." Killian said, a little irritated.

"Then dock." Emma said sternly, definitely seeming like a princess at the moment.

"I'd watch how you speak to me, lass. You're still a prisoner on my ship." Killian said, fury going in his eyes and voice.

Emma swallowed and glanced away from the captain, knowing she should watch her mouth. It often got her in trouble back home, so this was definitely not acceptable... Here she was nothing more than his prisoner. No royal status was going to get her what she wanted this time. Killian took a deep breath trying to calm himself.

"We are heading far out to sea, I'm steering the Jolly Roger deep into uncharted waters for a bit, in case your ship decides to follow... It will be a while before we reach land again. I suggest you get comfortable." Killian said, watching Emma's face.

"Oh..." was all Emma could say.

For the first time, Killian saw the sadness in her eyes, her forest green eyes had lost their bright color. He didn't know why but it did bother him, even though he knew it shouldn't...

"Would you like to come above deck? My men are just having some fun and it's a sight to see." Killian said without even thinking.

Emma didn't know where this kindness came from so quickly, as he had just snapped at her. She thought of rejecting his offer as she was in no mood to be bothered by him or his crew, but at the same time, it would be nice to smell the sea and get some fresh air. She also didn't want to upset him as his temper was very limited.

    "That sounds marvelous..." The princess responded, finally looking up at the Captain with a slight smile. 

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