Part 1

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Shuichi POV
Something seems of... this isn't my room. When i woke up i quickly realized that i wasn't in my room it was messier then mine and there was a big whiteboard.
"What..." i say to myself
I get up and head to the bathroom and when i get in there i see my reflection and it's not me...
"K-Kokichi?" I say
I grab my hair and look at myself... what's going on? It must be a motive Monokuma made then does that mean Kokichi's in my body? I hear a knock on my door and i open it and when i do.
"W-what?" I say
What's going on I'm looking at myself no wait that must be...
"So i was right... hey Shuichi it's me Kokichi I'm in your body!" Kokichi says
It's kinda weird hearing myself talk
"Do you know what's going on?" I ask
"Unfortunately no i woke up in your body but we could always ask." Kokichi says
"Oh your right... Monokuma come here." I say
Monokuma appears in Kokichi's room
"What can i do for you?" Monokuma asks
"Did you make me and Kokichi switch bodies?" i ask
"I sure did! I was kinda bored but there's one rule to this! You have to act like each other i know Shuichi will be able to but Kokichi not so much!" Monokuma says
"Hey! I could act like Shuichi if i wanted to! If anything it's Shumai who will have a hard time." Kokichi says
Monokuma shrugs and then disappears he didn't even tell us how long this will last
"This shouldn't be to hard... i know how to act my parents always wanted me to be a actor so they trained me." I say
Kokichi smiles Ugh it's so weird seeing me smile like that...
"We'll then I'll leave you to it! I'm gonna go be Shuichi Saihara!" Kokichi excitedly says and leaves to i assume to breakfast
I quickly change and follow Kokichi to breakfast where he is surprisingly being a good actor.
"Hey Shuichi come sit over here!" Kaito says
"O-ok." Kokichi says
Kokichi sits by Kaito and quickly i realize that.. I'm.. extremely nervous. I sit next to Kiibo since I'm to scared to sit next to anyone else with being in Kokichi's body and all.
"Look it's cockichi!" Miu yells being as loud as she usually is
How does Kokichi survive like this it's insane well no matter i just need to hold out.
"Your one to talk what with being a ugly unfuckable bitch~" i say
I feel really bad though
Kokichi POV
He remembered my insults... if i didn't know any better i would have thought Shuichi was me. But Monokuma was right.. i am having a really hard time keeping this act up geez how is Shuichi doing it?!
"Kokichi is just as annoying as ever let's just do our best to ignore him." Kaito says
"Yeah i guess that's all we can really do." I say
I guess lying is one thing but acting is very different and hard.
"Hey Shuichi do you wanna look around the school again i know we keep doing this but i can't just sit around!" Kaede says
"Oh uh It's fine we can look around." I say
"Oh hey! Can i come to I'll be veryyy helpful!" Shuichi says
I guess it'll be better if he came along
"Really? I don't know Kokichi i-" i cut Kaede of
"No it's ok Kaede, Kokichi can come along maybe he could help." I say
Kaede sighs giving up does Shuichi usually goes against her like this?
"No offense but why'd you let Kokichi come along?" Kaede whisper asks
"We already looked around the school once maybe a fresh pair of eyes would be good." I say
Kaede makes that face that says "oh i get it now" and stops asking questions.
"Hey! What're you guys talking about?!" Shuichi asks Ugh it's so weird seeing Shuichi act like me and he's so good at it wth?!
"We were just discussing what we're gonna investigate next!" Kaede says way to happily
"So Shuichi where do you think we should we go first?" Kaede asks and i was about to answer but Shuichi cut me of
"We should check out the basement! the library is down there it might have some secrets!" Shuichi exclaims
The basement? Is there something there Shuichi wanted to check? Now that i think about it Shuichi is now able to be confident like he always wanted to maybe this body switch thing is good.
"I guess we could..." Kaede says
We all walk to the basement and decide to split up and Shuichi walks to the library.
Shuichi POV
I go to the library I wanted to check out the hidden bookcase again and see if someone's used it it'll be easy to tell since the dust is on the keycard pad and all the dust scattered around.
"No ones used it still..." I say to myself
"Ah Kokichi what are you doing?!" Kaede asks
I turn around and see a startled Kaede and a confused Kokichi.
"Nishihi~ look what I found! Actually I knew about it the whole time~" I say
Kaede's staring to look even more confused then Kokichi...
"Well me and Shuichi already found the hidden bookcase right Shuichi." Kaede says as more of a "back me up here i don't wanna lose to Kokichi" kinda thing
"Uh yeah we uh already found it..." Kokichi stutters struggling to keep up the act
Kaede walks over to the hidden bookcase and opens it.
"It looks like no ones used it yet..." Kaede disappointingly says
"That's weird though you would think the mastermind would go here to get to.. wherever this leads..." Kokichi says
Kaede sighs and we continue looking then decide to go back to the main area where Maki and Kaito are...
"Oh it's Kokichi." Maki states
All eyes turn to me and normally I would put my hat down but right now I don't have that option.
"Maki roll!" I exclaim
(idk if Kaito's using that nickname yet)
Maki glares at me
"Sheesh if you wanna tell some to go away just say it don't glare. Anyways I'll be off i gotta go plan some super secret stuff!" I yell and run away
I'm so glad I got out of that situation... sorry Kokichi but I'm not taking any chances when it comes to maki... good luck.

Words 1104
What's the plot for this? Idk I'll figure it out. I'm super excited for this new book! I'll update soon!

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