Part 4

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Remember: Shuichi looks like Kokichi and Kokichi looks like Shuichi
Kokichi POV
What's wrong with Shuichi why's he acting so weird?
I'll have to ask him about it later but for now I have to focus on the trial. Shuichi showed me some of the evidence he has so this should be easy.

Class trial time!
-Truth bullets-
-Kitchen knife
-Tenkos alibi
-Himiko's alibi
-Defense wounds
-Kaede's alibi

"Let's get the big question out of the way... how's Gonta dead?!"-miu
"He's way to big and strong."-Tsumugi
"Let's start with the way he was killed then we can go from there."-Shuichi
Non stop debate-Kitchen knife
"Gonta was stabbed."-Tenko
"We know that but no one was strong enough to do it."-Kaito
"There's not much we know about how he was killed."-Kaede
"I bet someone snuck up on him!"-miu
"He was killed with a knife specifically a kitchen knife."-Kokichi
"Ding! Shuichi's right Gonta was killed with a kitchen knife!"-shuichi
"That's fine but where does that get us."-ryoma
"It helps us know more about how he died."-Kokichi
"A kitchen knife really?! But Gonta's way to strong you could only kill him if you snuck up on him."-Kaito
"I would beg to differ gonta's killer didn't sneak up on him."-Shuichi
"That's the only logical answer though!"-kaito
"Nope! Gonta saw the killer for sure there's something to prove it in fact Gonta was counting on it right shuichi..." Shuichi
Hangman's gambit
4 letters -_ _ _ e-
-why was Gonta counting on seeing the killer?-
a -n- i -o- b -t-
"The note! There was a note Kokichi found it said "I have himiko come to the courtyard at 12 pm if you don't want her to die."-Kokichi
"So Gonta went to go meet with the killer because himiko was in danger..."-Rantaro
"He sacrificed himself for himiko?"-kirumi
"Actually no one was ever in danger.. himiko was never captured~" Shuichi
"Nyeh what a pain but Kokichi's right i was asleep the whole day..."-himiko
"So the killer tricked Gonta into thinking himiko was in danger!"-angie
"NOPE! Wrong again!"-shuichi
"What? But that the only logical answer don't lie to us Kokichi..."-maki
"Chill maki roll Im not lying why are you so mean..."-Shuichi
"So who got tricked?"-kiibo
"It has to be someone strong! So.. maki,Tenko,or Kirumi!"-miu
What did you just say."-maki
"What me?!"-tenko
Mass-panic debate
-Tenko's alibi-
"Did you just accuse Tenko!"-himiko
"Give me 1 good reason why you suspect me."-maki
"Your strong you wanted to kill Gonta!"-miu
"Sorry to disappoint but i didn't kill Gonta."-kirumi
"I wouldn't kill like a degenerate male!"-tenko
-Stupid thats wrong!-
"Well maki's the only one with a air tight alibi and Tenko sorta has one."-Shuichi
"So it was kirumi!"-Angie
"No I don't think so I was looking around the kitchen and I noticed that some of the dishes are wet so it's safe to assume kirumi has been there all day."-Kokichi
"You would be right I've spent all day cleaning the kitchen and making snacks for everyone."-kirumi
"So that just leaves Tenko~"-Shuichi
"W-what?! But i have a alibi right Kaede!"-tenko
"Yeah but that was only until 12 pm then you left..."-Kaede
"But I'm not hurt Gonta would have struggled!"-Tenko
"That's right plus why would Tenko go to meet Gonta anyways?" Kiibo asks
"We already discussed that kii-boy Tenko got a note and went to go save himiko."-Shuichi
"But Gonta wouldn't have attacked himiko he was to much of a sweetheart!"-Tsumugi
"Yeah explain that Shuichi!"-Tenko
-I'll step in!-
"Sorry Shuichi but your to nice and this trial is getting really annoying but didn't we just say that himiko was never attacked."-Shuichi
-Non-stop debate- Himiko's alibi
"Gonta wouldn't have attacked himiko!"-kaede
"Yeah there's no way!"-kaito
"But the note said Himiko was in danger."-Rantaro
"Did you guys seriously forget?"-shuichi
"Kokichi's probably lying"- Angie
-no that's wrong!-
"No body's lying in fact according to Himiko's alibi she was asleep the whole time and was never attacked."-Kokichi
"Yeah what Shuichi said!" -Himiko
"Oh~ Tenko you killed Gonta!"-shuichi
"No! Remember the defense wounds i have none!"
"There's no way I could have killed Gonta!"
-Argument Armament-Why don't I have no defense wounds then?
-I didn't kill Gonta!-
-There's no proof!-
-Where's my wounds?-
-I didn't kill Gonta!-
-I didn't kill Gonta!-
-There's no proof!-
-Where's my wounds?-
-There's no proof!-
-Where's my wounds?-
-Gonta didn't resist!———
"Let's just get this over with."-Shuichi
-Closing Argument-
1.At 12 pm Tenko left Kaede to go to her room, to do what who knows
2.When Tenko got to her room she found a note in her room
3.Tenko grabbed the note and read the contents and was filled with fear
4.Normally Tenko wouldn't have have grabbed a weapon but when she was Gonta standing in the courtyard she ran back inside into the kitchen
5.With a kitchen knife in hand Tenko went outside to confront Gonta who supposedly had himiko but little did Tenko know himiko was safe
6. Tenko got outside and was ready to fight, even kill for himiko but when Gonta tried refuting Tenko got more angry
7.Gonata didn't want to hurt Tenko so when they were fighting Gonta didn't fight back which is why there's no defense wounds on Tenko or Gonta
8.after Gonata died Tenko probably realized that himiko wasn't even there and ran away taking the knife with her
9. And when she saw himiko later at the body discovery announcement she had realized then that she had been tricked
"Did i get it right.. Tenko?"-Shuichi
"Oh well! No matter it's voting time!"-Monokuma
"No don't take Tenko away!"-Himiko
"That's right Gonta's killer is none other then Tenko!"-monokuma
"There are many plot holes in this case..."-Kirumi
"Yeah but who cares at least we found the suspect right."-Shuichi
"That's it? Well then now it's time for! The punishment!"-Monokuma
Tenko gets dragged into an arena with a Monokuma and around them is a bunch of lava. The monokuna starts fighting slow but then it goes faster and faster until Tenko is on the floor bleeding everywhere. The Monokuma walks out of the arena and slowly the lava comes closer to Tenko... closer, closer, and closer until it touches Tenko and she starts burning alive in the lava until nothing is left.

Words: 1125

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