Part 3

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Shuichi POV
A body... no way what are we supposed to do i could investigate but no one would listen to kokichi... either way i need to see who died. I find out the body is in the courtyard which is weird. When i get there it isn't who i expected
"Gonta..." i say to myself
"Kokichi did you do this?" Maki asks
"Woah chill out maki! Even someone as strong as me couldn't take out that beast of a person." I say and Kokichi walks into the room and looks just as surpised
"Gonta's dead how..." he says
"That's what we've all been wondering no ones strong enough to uh.. take him down." Tsumugi says
We all stare for a moment no one said anything but i knew we couldn't just stand around so i start examining gonta's body.
"Kokichi what are you doing?!" Tenko shrieks
"We can't just stand around if none of you are gonna do anything i might as well." I say and continue examining Gonta it seems like he was stabbed right in the heart with a knife... there's no sign of a struggle either... There's not much else here so I'll go check around at other places now. Before i leave i whisper to Kokichi
"Get their alibis for me will you." And i walk away Kokichi had to be the one to get the alibis because if i did it no one would tell me since i look like Kokichi
Kokichi POV
Somethings up with Shuichi... i can't think about it now through i gotta get everyone's alibi's i ask around
"Hey maki what's your alibi?" I ask
"Me and Kaito have been together all day that covers both of us." Maki says
I nod and walk away, so maki and Kaito couldn't have done it.
"What about you guys?" I ask Tsumugi,korekiyo,kirumi, and ryoma at once
"None of us have alibis that's what tricky about this." Ryoma says
"I see..." i say to myself and walk away and head over to Kaede.Rantaro,tenko,and himiko
"What's your alibi's?" I ask
"I've been with different people all day this morning i was with you Shuichi, then tenko for like an hour, then Rantaro for the rest." Kaede explains
"I assume that's your guys alibi's?" I ask tenko and Rantaro and they both nod
"Nyeh i was asleep I'm pretty sure Kiibo and Miu were together the whole day though." Himiko sleepily says
Alright that checks out everyone... I should go find shuichi.
After looking around i find shuichi in the cafeteria looking at the utensils
"Whatcha looking at?" I ask
"Ah Kokichi well i was looking at the knives since Gonta was killed with one." Shuichi explains
Shuichi sighs
"Just as i thought ones missing..." Shuichi mumbles to himself... he looks so in focus, Shuichi really is a great detective
"Oh did you get everyone's alibi's?" Shuichi asks
"Oh yeah!" I start explaining everyone's alibi's
"I see so almost everyone doesn't have an airtight alibi except me,you,maki,Kaito,miu,and Kiibo..."  Shuichi mumbles again
"Thank you Kokichi this has been helpful i need to go continue my investigation I'll come get you if i need anything." Shuichi smiles and walks away
Yep he's definitely acting weird.. I think about it for a little longer and I realize.. Shuichi's acting like me! well kinda but still his mannerisms.. he's starting to act like me why? he doesn't need to when it comes to me what's going on?
Shuichi POV again
I have realized I'm acting like Kokichi even when I'm not trying but i just can't help it i was always taught to act like my role even when I'm not acting but even so... it's fun acting like Kokichi... I can't think about that now there's still stuff i have to investigate. Gonta is well big and strong so whoever killed him would have to be strong as well so i guess that rules out a lot of people. So that means kiibo,kirumi,tenko,maki, and Kaito are the suspects right now but maki and Kaito have alibi's and so does Kiibo... tenko and kirumi tenko was with Kaede for a little bit but it doesn't count at least to me.
"Shuichi!" I hear someone yell
I turn around and i see me- or Kokichi
"O-oh hi Kokichi sorry i was just thinking." I say
"Don't worry about it shumai! I was trying to find you cause i was thinking.. Gonta's strong he could easily take out anyone who attacked him so then why is he the one dead?" Kokichi says
That's right! Gonta is strong you would either have to sneak up on him which is unlikely or attack him...
"Oh! I think i get it now why gonta's the one dead." I say
Kokichi smiles in pride
"See I'm super helpful!" He gloats
I laugh to myself
I continue looking around and Kokichi stays silent he wants to say something i know he does...
"If you want to say something just say it." I say without thinking
"W-what." Kokichi stutters for real
I stand up, unfortunately i can't deal with Kokichi I still have no idea who could have done this
"If you won't say it then I'll be on my way." I say and walk away.
I head over to kirumi's lab I wanna look around hers and tenkos to see if there's anything in them
I find kirumi in her lab
"Hey Kirumi!" I shout and run in
Kirumi who is sipping tea says "oh hello Kokichi do you need anything?"
"I just wanna look around." It's best not to tell Kirumi i suspect her
"Do we you wish." Kirumi continues sipping her tea
I look around for a while and nothing no weapons in sight
"Well I'm done thanks!" I say and start heading to tenko's lab
I see tenko also at her lab... this is gonna be fun
"Hey tenko!" I shout
"Kokichi.. what do you want?" Tenko asks
"Chill out i just wanna look around your lab." I respond
"Absolutely not!" Tenko yells
"Himiko is hurt I came here to look for something to help her but if you want to go to her..." i start
"NO HIMIKO!" Tenko runs off
That was to easy... i walk into tenko's lab and i spot a note it says
"I have himiko come to the courtyard at 12 pm if you don't want her to die."
What the...
This isn't right that would mean Gonta had himiko... but himiko was asleep so how could she have-
"K-Kokichi!" Tenko yells
Then something unexpected happens
Tenko runs at me ready to fight if i was in my body it would be fine but I'm in Kokichi's-
"T-Tenko?! Kokichi!" Kokichi yells at the door way
I'm saved!
Tenko stops in her tracks and looks at Kokichi
"Shuichi! Kokichi was looking through my things hey him out!" Tenko's yells
I grab the note and shove it in my pocket before i leave. Me and Kokichi start walking together
"What happened?" Kokichi asks
"Tenko's one of my suspects so I wanted to look around her lab but she came back quicker then I thought and got mad." I say
I feel Kokichi's eyes on me
"Just to be sure himiko was 100 percent asleep at 12 pm correct." I ask
"Yeah why?" Kokichi asks
It all makes sense now...
"It's nothing.."
A announcement comes on
"Im getting tired of waiting so everyone head down to the trial room for the class trial!" Monokuma yells
The trial... It's now or never

Words: 1295
I have a plot omg i just thought of it! Anyways next chapter soon cause im excited

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