Chapter - 6

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Louis doesn't like anyone, he just said that because he cannot date Amelia, he just doesn't get the vibe from her. It's better to stay happy and not in a relationship than to be in a relationship you're not happy with, right? He is still feeling guilty, he hurt her for no reason at all. She is such a nice girl, she never even meant to not be interesting. Shut your thoughts Louis, you're making it worse.

Louis is home after football practice now and he just wants to disappear somewhere but he sees that everyone is seated near the fireplace on the couch and a few chairs, and there is an empty spot on the couch, probably left for him.

"Why is everyone sitting like this? Did something happen? I didn't do anything."

"Louis, come and sit here... Mark and I were waiting for you to come," Jay says.

Louis goes and sits at the couch and asks, "Are we having a discussion? Oh are we deciding on the Christmas gifts for Phoebe and Daisy? Is that why they are not a part of this?"

"No, Louis..." Mark says, "We have something to tell you kids... "

"Jay, can you do this please?" Mark whispers to her.

Jay nods sadly and continues, "Lottie, Fizzy, Louis, please remember that we love you no matter what and you are the most important people in our lives... "

"Mom would you get to the point please, you're worrying me," Fizzy says.

"Yes, sorry honey... the point is... " Jay pauses for a few seconds and with tears emerging in her eyes, she continues, "Mark and I... we're getting a divorce."

What? No, they cannot do this. They're supposed to be a happy family... they are a happy family, then why? What happened? Louis does not have any family issues and he cannot have any in the future as well. They cannot do this to Louis, he deserves his happy family. 

No one in the room is in the state of speaking, what can anyone say to this, congrats? Don't do this? What can anyone ever say to this?

"Mum," Louis finally says, "What about the twins?"

"Honey, the twins and Fizzy will stay with Mark... "

"Wow so I'm losing a dad and three sisters, all in one day... wonderful. Thank you, mom and dad, if I can call you that anymore... thank you," Louis yells and gets up from the couch.

Louis puts his shoes on and before anyone could stop him, he runs far away. He doesn't know where he is going, he just wants to run away from his home. It's more like house now, isn't it? What on Earth made his parents make that decision? What about Christmas next month? They cannot do this to them, they just cannot.

Louis runs for a few miles, he doesn't know where he is going, but he is just running. He finally stops, tired, and sits at a bench near the footpath. Louis is so stuck up in his thoughts that he doesn't even realize when someone else comes and sits beside him on the bench, until he feels a hand on his shoulder, accompanied with shivers down his spine.

"You okay, Lou?"

"Harry, what are you doing here?"

"I come here everyday Louis, but that doesn't matter. You tell me, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Who are you lying to Louis, I can see you looking numb and sad. You can tell me what happened, it may make you feel better."

Louis should tell Harry. He would understand. After all, his parents got divorced too, it must have been so hard for him as well.

"Well... " Louis starts telling Harry, "Do you ever feel like you just want to remove one day from your life?"

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