Chapter 3: Job Offer

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"A job? As what?"

"His personal assistant."

We three just stood there dumbfounded. Wait a second, a job? Personal Assistant? That must be a joke. But then again, we saw him behind Randy all the time but we not so sure.

"Guys... I think I sort of scattered around here, if you know what I mean..." I spoke unsure.

"So, actually, Randy somehow got an eye on you during that meet-and-greet and somehow, he asks me to offer you this job," this flamboyant manager replied.

"What's happening to the last one he got?" I asked.

"Well, I'm just guessing here. Thanks to disrupting his press conference about his latest UFC match, which is what we just watched recently, he got brutally fired," Aris suddenly answered.

"That's actually correct, although the 'brutal' part is supposedly omitted," Karll nodded. Well then.

"Do you have any article of that? Because I don't read and know anything related to UFC, and before I watch the match, I just watch the news about how Bjork 'chop' Matthew Barney's dick during her Vulnicura number in Japan, and I'm planning to do that to both of you if you didn't give me that article," My smiling statement leaves all three shudder, as no one had any idea how horrific the way Bjork 'chop' her ex-lover's 'not-so-endowed' manhood on stage during her 'Black Lake' number.

"Here," the manager gave me his iPad. I read the article. It said that during the press conference, the bastard of the PA shouts through the microphone that his mom was called in front of thousands of reporters and paparazzi. The opponent laughed at him, mocking on how he's such a baby and they both attacking each other before being hauled away by the police. In the end, of course, that PA got fired on the spot.

No wonder Randy fighting fiercely and won the match today. That gave all of the spectators and other wrestlers a lesson: No one mess with his mother.

"He means well. We all thought this is a fake thing... if you know what I mean..." Aris smiled politely.

"Yeah, I know. Here's my business card," He gave him his business card.

"And I didn't quite catch your name. What's yer name?" I looked up from the iPad.

"Karll." He gave me his business card. That's when I read his name.

Karll Guiðmandsdóltar. An Icelandic. And yup, he really indeed his manager alright.

"Yea, so Karll, what's gonna happen next? I don't have any resume whatsoever, first of all. Second, of all, I'm not wearing any appropriate outfit, the fact that we're here watching a wrestling match thanks to this bastard guy here," I raise my eyebrows, gave back his iPad, and pointing at Aris who scowls at me while Jenny giggles listening to my sentence.

"Hardy-har-har," Aris rolled his eyes.

"Well, as much as I want you to come in and apply for the job in formal attire for our own convenience and professionalism to my account, I'm gonna bring you to his dressing room for an interview. His orders," Karll sigh and signals me to follow him.

"Can they all three also join me? In case something happens, especially the fact that this is not an ordinary job interview," I ask Karll.

"Normally I wouldn't say no but considering this situation, yes you may," Karll nods, huffs and all four of us walk towards the dressing room and thanks to Karll, we can get through the security easily.

"I'm gonna meet him for the third time. This is so cool," Aris suddenly went giddy. Both Jenny and I rolled our eyes.

"Yeah, the fact that your friend over here actually had been offered a job by your idol, which is totally out of nowhere," I just nod on what Jenny had sarcastically said.

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