That makes two of us

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"Sehun, please, eat something" SuHo hyung asks me pleadingly as he nudges a bowl of ramen in front of me.
I dejectedly shake my head and give him an apologetic look.
I glance at the door hopefully as I hear voices from the other side.
Nope...just Tao and Kai
I stand up to go to my room and SuHo hyung pats me sympathetically on the shoulder.
"Sehunnie, you need to move on, he's not coming back" SuHo tells me for the one hundredth time. I quickly leave SuHo's side as he tells me this so he can't see the tears that have started to fall down my face.

I sniffle as I shut the door to my room and I fall onto my bed as the tears really start to fall and I begin to cry hopelessly.

I try to gain control of myself and wipe my face as I hear a knock at the door.
"Sehun-ah?" I hear a voice ask me.
"I'm coming in okay?" I hear, followed by the door slowly opening.
Tao's head appears from behind it and he walks into the room and sits down next to me.
"Sorry but I don't feel like company right now" I tell Tao flatly as he puts his arm around me and I knock it off.
"Hey I know what you're going through remember" Tao reminds me with hurt in his voice as he frowns at me.
"Sorry" I mumble as I wipe away a stray tear.
"Can I give you some advice SeHun?" Tao asks me calmly.
"Sure Tao, I'm sorry for snapping at you" I apologise, feeling bad about my actions. Tao waves my apology off as he starts to give me his advice.
"The pain feels bad now and I know it sounds difficult but you have to try to move on, get out and live a little and don't dwell on.....on LuHan..." Tao stops for a minute as he appears to choke on LuHan's name before continuing.
"Try to live a normal life and get back into your old routine instead of sitting here on your own and being a sad loner" Tao tells me, he looks really proud of himself for giving me this 'life changing advice' and I roll my eyes at him.
"How did you cope?" I ask Tao desperately. His advice sounds a lot easier said than done.
"I didn't at the start, I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry but I realised that Kris probably wouldn't want that...he wouldn't want to see me hurting so I decided to pick myself up again...for him and for EXO because you guys are seriously like a family to me" Tao smiles at me and I get a weird caring feeling as I wipe a tear off his cheek.
"Ya Tao have you finished your deep and meaningful with SeHun, we're starving out here" I hear BaekHyun shout through the door as he loudly knocks on it.
"Wait a second" Tao tells him through the door as he turns to me again.
"We're going out for lunch, do you wanna come with?" Tao asks me hopefully.
I could go out for lunch with these losers or I could stay at home being sad and think about...him....
"Sure, I'll come for lunch with you" I tell Tao after I finish weighing up my options.
"Good now hur- Ow! ChanYeol don't bite me!" BaekHyun yells through the door and I chuckle at the thought of ChanYeol biting Baekhyun in the arm.
Tao and I emerge from my bedroom to find a giggling ChanYeol hyung and a grumpy Baekhyun hyung rubbing a red mark on his arm as well as SuHo hyung and Chen hyung.
"Ya! Finally, what took you two so long!" Chen asks us impatiently. "We're hungry" he says as he stands on his tippy-toes to put his arm around my shoulder.
"Alright childern settle down" SuHo says in his best mothering voice, which is of course terrible.
I snigger and my loser hyung and he turns to me.
"Hey guys did you see that? SeHunnie just smiled because of me" SuHo hyung tells everyone proudly.
"Ya I wasn't laughing because you were funny, I laughed because you're a loser hyung" I tell SuHo and his face immediately falls which brings around the laughter of the members as I diss out leader.
We decide to leave for lunch then and we all exit the dorm to shouts of 'bae go pa!, bae go pa!' as we go.

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