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I sigh and scroll through my calls list.
"Look, I called you heaps" I tell LuHan as I show him my phone with all the calls he didnt answer.
"I seriously haven't had one call from you" He tells me seriously and he takes out his phone and shows me that he in fact hasn't had a single call from me.

"You didn't change your number did you?" I ask him curiously, how could he not have received any of my calls?
"No I haven't cause I kinda hoped you'd call but my manager in Chi....." LuHan stops as he gets an idea.
He suddenly looks really angry and now I'm really confused.
"My manager has had my phone now and again and he must have deleted your calls or blocked your number or something" LuHan tells me as he calms down a bit but he still looks very grumpy. It's kinda cute.

"Why would he do that?" I ask LuHan with a frown, I don't like the sound of this guy.
"I dunno...maybe he was worried that I'd get cold feet and go back to EXO" LuHan suggests but he seems uncertain.
"Sorry SeHun but that's not gonna happen" he tells me guiltily as I open my mouth to ask a question. I feel disappointment as he tells me this but I try not to show it.

An uncomfortable feeling enters the room as LuHan's phone goes off and we both stare at it to see who is calling. Its XiuMin hyung.
Great, Tao must have told them.
"Oh no! SeHunnie what should I do?" LuHan asks me in a panic and I shake my head, not knowing what to do. We both stare at the phone until it goes to voice mail. LuHan picks up his phone to play the message and he puts it on speaker.

'LuHan we know you have SeHun and if you don't let him come home now then you'll be in serious trouble' XiuMin's voice warns LuHan in an irritated tone.

LuHan looks unhappy as he looks at me.
"Do you wanna go now?" He asks me sadly, I have a feeling that this day hasn't gone the way he had hoped.
"Um I guess I should get back before they call the police" I tell him and he looks sad that I have to leave.

"Oh okay then...I'll call my driver to take you to the dorm..." He tells me sadly and he suddenly looks so vulnerable and lonely. It had suddenly gotten really awkward and I don't know if I should say something or not.

LuHan gets up and leaves the room and the driver from before appears from the room he went into earlier.
"Where's LuHan?" I ask him, I'm a little afraid that I've hurt his feelings by saying that I shoud leave.
"He said he isn't feeling well and has gone for a lie down" the driver informs me flatly as he motions for me to follow him out to the car. He unlocks the front door and we exit the little cottage.

I silently get into the back seat and look back at the the cottage as the driver starts up the car and we drive off. Looking back one last time I feel a bit hopeful when I think I see one of the blinds flicker but I was probably just seeing things.
"Goodbye LuHan" I mumble sadly. We are separated again without any godbyes.

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