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The 6 of us make our way out to one of our 7 seater cars and ChanYeol Hyung gets into the drivers seat with Baekhyun hyung in the passenger seat (he called shotgun) and I'm wedged in the back between Tao and Chen hyung who are bickering about something... I'm trying to ignore them and SuHo hyung is in the back trying to get them to stop it, I think it's his maternal instincts kicking in.

I close my eyes and try to block out the noise in the car before I decide to punch someone.

"Ya Sehunnie, do you wanna go get bubble tea with me?" He asks me lovingly. His soft voice makes me smile as I run my hand through his soft hair.
"Of course but, you have to pay" I joke as I get up off of LuHan's bed.
"Okay, let's go" He tells me as he takes my hand and we put on hoodies and I grab a beanie to try to hide my identity a bit and then Luhannie and I leave the dorm.
He walk side by side down the street, I really want to hold his hand but we may attract too much attention so I have to resist.
I look at LuHan and he smiles as me and he opens his mouth to say something.
"Sehunnie there's something I have to tell you" he says to me as his face saddens a little bit.
"What is it hyung?" I ask him curiously.
"I'm go-"

"Sehunnie we're here" SuHo tells me as he gently shakes me awake.
I open my eyes and groggily look around me, the members are waiting outside the car for me, except for SuHo hyung who came to wake me up.
"Oh, I didn't realise I fell asleep" I tell him as I rub my eyes.
He smiles at me as he ducks out of the car and I follow out to the footpath. My head is swimming with images from my dream about him....and I feel like a part of my chest has frozen over and died.

"SeHun-ah, what's up?" ChanYeol Hyung asks me as he puts an arm around my shoulder.
"Nothing Hyung, I'm just tired" I tell him automatically. He gives me a look that tells me that he doesn't believe me but, he doesn't say anything else.

"Can we eat samgyeopsal?" Baekhyun asks and we agree that it would be a good idea.
We walk down the street and I notice that a few people on the street are recognising us and I turn to SuHo Hyung.
"Hyung, people are staring" I tell him concerned and he leans in to talk to me.
"I know but I can't get these pabos to walk any faster, they never listen to me" He tells me, frustrated at his dongsaengs attitude towards him.
I pat him on the shoulder as we finally make it to the restaurant.

Wow I really am hungry, I think as my stomach gurgles when the smell of the restaurant hits me.

"Quickly let's get a table" ChanYeol Hyung says as he looks around and sees that the restaurant is quite busy.

A girl comes to greet us and she gasps as she recognises us and she bows.
"A-annyeonghaseyo, welcome to our restaurant, come this way" she tells us nervously as she leads us to an empty table.
We all thank her and she leaves out table.
"She's cute" Chen hyung says casually and then BaekHyun and Chen start bickering about who saw her first.

They shut up as she returns to our table to take our orders.
"Would you like anything to drink now?" She asks us nervously and we order drinks.
As she takes the members orders I notice that she has sparkly eyes like LuHan and I think about how warm I feel and how my heart beats faster when I look into his eyes.
She leaves the table again and the members settle inti casual conversation and Tao who is sitting next to me turns towards me.
"Ya, you okay? You were talking in your sleep in the car" He tells me and I blush slightly. I look down and don't reply.
"We're you dreaming about him?" Tao asks me quietly so the other members don't hear.
"Yes, I was and I wish I hadn't woken up" I tell Tao honestly as I feel a hole opening up in my chest and my eyes are starting to sting.
I suddenly stand up to go to the bathroom and the members look at me and see my upset state. I walk to the bathroom and shut myself in a cubicle, out the lid down on the toilet and sit.
I start to silently sob as I think about LuHannie.

I take my phone out of my pocket and scroll through my contacts to Luhan's number.
My thumb hovers over his number and I grit my teeth and press the call button.
I hesitantly put my phone to my ear and listen to the dial tone.
'The person you are calling is not available, please leave you-" I hang up and frown at my phone in frustration. Why doesn't he ever answer?

"SeHun are you okay?" I hear Suho Hyung ask me as he enters the bathroom.
I sit and stay silent, hoping that he will leave soon.
"SeHun I know you're in here" he says as he knocks on the door of the cubicle I'm sitting in.
"Do you want to talk to me?" He asks me in a caring voice, he is obviously concerned about me.
"Yes Hyung, I do want to talk to you" I tell him as my voice cracks and I unlock the cubicle and step out.

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