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"Do you want to talk to me?" SuHo hyung asks me in a caring voice, he is obviously concerned about me.
"Yes Hyung, I do want to talk to you" I tell him as my voice cracks and I unlock the cubicle door and step out.

I walk out to see SuHo standing in front of me with his arms open. I fall into his arms and he hugs me as I sob onto his shoulder.
"Hyung, why does it hurt so much?" I ask in between sobs.
"It's hurting all of us SeHunnie, he was like a brother to us and he abandoned us" SuHo tells me as he strokes my hair softly.
Despite the dirty bathroom floor SuHo hyung and I sit down to continue our talk.

"Did you try calling him after you found out?" I ask SuHo and he shakes his head.
"No I didn't because it hurt too much but, I wish I had" SuHo tells me regretfully.
"I have called him... a hundred times at least and he never answers" I say more to myself than SuHo.
SuHo Hyung puts his arm around my shoulder as he looks at me.
"We have to stay strong SeHun, for our fans and for each other" SuHo tells me and I nod my head as I wipe a few stray tears away.

"Do you think he misses us?" I ask SuHo as I stare at the bathroom floor.
"I don't know but, I guess I hope he does" SuHo tells me in barely more than a whisper as his voice breaks. I looks at him to see a tear sliding down his face.
"Ya, omma don't cry, I just managed to stop" I joke as I wipe away the tear falling down Hyung's face.
As I do so a strange feeling comes over me as I stare at SuHo's lips.
I don't know what comes over me as I lean forward and kiss him on the lips.

"Ya SeHun, stop!" SuHo Hyung says shocked as he pushes me away.
I suddenly realise what I have done and I start to cry again.
"Hyung I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" I apologise to SuHo as he looks as me awkwardly and wipes his mouth with his sleeve.
"Um, that's okay SeHun just...don't do it again" he tells me uncomfortably and he stands up.
I stand up too and it has suddenly gotten really wonder, I just kissed SuHo...
"So...should we..."SuHo trails off as he gestures towards the dining area of the restaurant with his thumb.

I nod and he leaves with me following behind him.
Ya why am I such a pabo?

"SeHun! We thought that maybe you'd drowned yourself in the toilet" Baekhyun jokes but his face falls as he sees my puffy red eyes.
"Oh SeHun, sorry~" he apologises to me and I just stare at the floor.
"Um well, I think that I'm just gonna catch a taxi home" I tell the members quietly and they don't say much except for 'okay'.

I walk out of the restaurant with my hands in my jeans pockets and I wave a cab over.
The driver gets out to open the door and I silently get into the back seat.
He drives off and after about 10 minutes I realise that I didn't tell him where to go and I look out the window to see unfamiliar scenery whizzing past.

"Ya! Where are you taking me? Pull over" I order him as I panic and try to open the door but it's locked.
The driver stops the car at the side of the road but instead of unlocking the door to let me out he takes his ringing phone out of his pocket and answers it.
"Yes, I've got him, see you there" the driver says flatly before hanging up.
A shiver goes down my spine as I hear this and I reach into my pocket to get my phone and I freeze as I feel that my pockets are empty.
"Ya let me out" I yell at the driver and he turns in his seat and I let out a gasp.
It's one of the security guards that we had last time we were in China.
"We both know that I'm not going to do that now don't we Oh SeHun?" He asks me and I don't reply out of shock and fear.

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