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Happy happy 25th birthday to LuHan~ Even though we don't see you on stage you still belong in our hearts~ Love you LuHan and miss you~ Have a great day~


"SeHun! What the hell is going on?!" SuHo asks me as I step out of the car outside our dorm. The members were waiting for me on the street.
"I don't know hyung" I tell him dejectedly. Leaving LuHan has made me feel more alone than before and the car ride back has made me feel really depressed.
I walk past the members and towards the front door.
"SeHun, I'm talking to you!" SuHo tells me angrily as he grasps my arm. I shake his hand off and storm inside.
"SeHun!" SuHo hyung calls after me as I close the door.
I hurriedly run to my room as the empty feeling reaches an all time high.
"SeHun, what happened?" I hear XiuMin hyung ask from through the door.
"Nothing" I mumble through my pillow.
He comes into my room without a word and sits down on the bed.
"I didn't want to ask in front of the other but, how is he? Luhan?" XiuMin asks me in a concerned voice.
"He's fine, happy even..." I tell him sadly.
"Why didn't he answer our calls?" He asks me and I sit up.
"He said his manager took his phone away" I tell him in an angry tone. "I think he has it now though" I tell him as an after thought.
"Okay" XiuMin says as he gets his phone out of this pocket.
"Wha...what are you doing?" I ask him as he dials LuHan's number in.
The phone starts to ring and I tackle him to try and hang up but he easily pushes me off.
"Hello? Xiu?" Luhan answers and we both freeze frim our fight.
"Xiu? I'm sorry... I...." LuHan sighs as he can't find the words to apologise.
"LuGe?" XiuMin answers the phone finally.
"SeHun's there isn't he?" Luhan asks and XiuMin answers.
"Yes, he's here...SeHunnie, say hello" XiuMin turns to me and I shake my head.
I stand up and leave XiuMin hyung as I cannot stand hearing LuHan's voice for another minute.

I enter the living room to find the members watching TV and talking amongst themselves. They go quiet as I enter the room and I awkwardly look at the ground.
"S-SuHo hyung...I'm sorry....about earlier and being rude to you" I say awkwardly and I feel guilty for getting angry with him.
"It's okay SeHunnie" SuHo hyung says as he stands up from the sofa and hugs me.
The members all stand up and surround me and squish me in a hug. I laugh as Baekhyun tickles me and I squirm out of their arms as I sit down on the couch again and settle back in with the members as I try to put LuHan to the back of my mind.

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