Chapter 1

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I stared at the sheet music, my mind completely blank. My guitar had been in my hands for the past hour but I hadn't played a chord, not even a note. I put the guitar down on to its stand and ran my auburn brown hair through my hands, stressed out of my mind.

"Scarlett, you're going to late for your first day of school" My mom said to me, standing in my doorway. I sighed, turning to her and getting up.

"The divorce is final today" I said, not asking but telling. She nodded, showing no emotion. I shook my head, hating the way this family worked.

The un-written rule of my family were, feelings were never shown. I have never seen my mom or dad cry a single tear, or even scream or yell at each other. I had never shared my feelings with my mom. I remember the first time I tried to though, she told me to cut the crap and stop being so dramatic.

You could say that was the major turning point in my life. It's when I started to hate my parents and realize with them, I would get no where and most importantly, when I realized I didn't need anyone but myself. It's easier to make decisions when you don't have to worry about anyone else's opinions.

"Whatever" I said, ignoring her lack of concern about the fact her and my dad weren't together anymore, "I'm leaving" I told her grabbing my jacket. She said nothing as I walked out of the door and into the cold winter air. I got into my car and started to pull out of the driveway, and I was quickly on the way to the happiest place on earth; school.


I walked into Connor Hill High School, the smell of coffee reeking from the teachers lounge. I saw a group of girls that looked lost and pointed them in the right direction of their classes. I felt bad for the new freshman, I mean they get picked on everyday. I'm a junior, I've seen upper class men pick on the freshman for the last three years. We all go through it, so maybe it's fair, it's kind of a tradition if you want to put it that way, but it can get out of hand.

Last year, at the pep rally all the upper classmen were shouting 'Go Home Freshman' (And yes that included me) and the teachers didn't know what to do because we wouldn't stop so they actually had the freshmen leave the gym. I'm not sure if I'm going to cheer the same words this year...

I walked into the second floor bathroom and looked into one of the mirrors, grabbing my make-up out of my bag since I didn't have time this morning to put it on. As I did my make-up I studied my face, looking at myself in the mirror as if expecting to see a drastic change since last year.

But there wasn't one.

I was still the innocent junior everyone knew me to be. The girl that always did her homework, was nice to almost everybody and always had my head either stuck in a book or in a piece of music I was working on. But the one thing no one knew, not even my best friend Victoria knew, was that I had never been kissed.

No don't get the wrong impression, It wasn't like I never had a boyfriend it was just that, I never felt that special feeling all the books talk about where you just know what to do. And that was the moment I was waiting for. Call me crazy, weird or a dreamer but, as John Lennon would say, 'I'm  not the only one'.

And with perfect timing, that's when Victoria chose to come in. She came over and sat on the sink next to me, I didn't even get how that was comfortable. She handed me a coffee with the Starbucks logo on it that I had grown to know and love.

"Raspberry Cheesecake. White Chocolate Mocha with two pumps of Raspberry" She told me, turning to fix her mascara that was sticking her eyelashes together.

I nodded, taking a sip. I shook my head at her.

"Thanks babe."

Me and Victoria had a routine where before the beginning of a semester, we would make a bet about something completely random, and whoever lost the bet would have to but the other one coffee everyday until second semester. She lost, she always loses.

Victoria was not your average teenager. She listened to indie music, and meditated every Tuesday for two hours. She was never stressed about anything, and she would be there for you in a heartbeat when you called. She had long brown hair that was in between wavy and curly that fell loosely passed her shoulders. She had soft green eyes and tan skin. She was taller than me and she loved to wear heels which made it even worse.

I'm pretty much looked like the complete opposite of her. I had long auburn hair and deep brown eyes and long eyelashes, so I never used mascara. I was maybe two inches shorter than Victoria but she would never let me forget it, and I had fair skin that wasn't too pale but couldn't be classified at tan.

"You only did one eye" She told me laughing, I looked back in the mirror and sure enough, I only had eyeliner on my left eye.

"What would I do without you?" I asked her smiling as I applied some eyeliner. She shook her head and shrugged.

"I don't even know"

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