Chapter 3

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I sat on my bed the next morning after my mom had woken me up, telling me I had promised to help at her restaurant. Did I mention that she owned an extremely popular restaurant? Probably not..I don't like to talk about seeing as how she has always but it and money infront of me. It was as if the stupid restaurant was more important that her only child, not that I could admit that, I was forbidden to show feelings in this household, remember?

"Scar! You have to be ready in ten minutes!" My mom yelled down to me. I didn't answer.

Scar. That's what I was. Just a giant scar. Something every one see's but, no one ever admires a scar. They stare at it and wonder where it came from and feel bad because it will always be there, nagging you and reminding you of a bad memory where you got hurt and now you have to deal with an ugly scar, You have to deal with me.

I quickly threw on some black pants and a white blouse and brushed my hair through before brushing my teeth and putting on a little makeup. When I looked in the mirror I decided I looked decent and rushed upstairs to meet my mom. 

"I'll drive" I told her. Surprisingly she didn't argue with me and we both started outside and got into the car. 

"I need a favor" She told me. So that was why she didn't argue... 

"What is it?" I asked her, wondering how bad it was. Getting her old stuff back from Dad? Having to be on dish duty today? Staying late at the restaurant? Oh god, the possibilities were endless.

"Well remember when I hired that singer last week to perform at the restaurant, well she canceled and one of the restaurants biggest donors well, she said duet no money and well, I told her you could do it" She told me. I stopped the car in the middle of the restaurant parking lot.

"What!?" I snapped at her, turning to look at her. She gave me a weak smile and I shook my head. 

"No, I'm not doing it" I met her eyes. "But that means we won't be able to keep the restaurant open" She told me, I instantly felt bad. 

"Well, I wouldn't be able to anyway, I mean...I don't have an um, duet partner" I said, trying to quickly make an excuse so that she would let me off the hook. She smiled at me.

"I already took care of that!" She told me. I gave a fake smile as I pulled into a parking spot and stepped out of the car. 

"That's great mom" I told her, trying to make her believe that I was really exciting.

"Well, your duet partner is supposed to be here in an hour so, hurry up and start seating people before you have to go" I nodded and made my way into the building. I quickly went into the kitchen grabbed my name tag and pinned it to my shirt before going to the front desk.

Two hours later my duet partner still had not shown up. I didn't tell my mom that though, knowing she was already under a huge amount of stress. I sighed, leaning on the desk. I put my head in my hands, realizing just how much sleep I was deprived of this morning. 

"Hey cutie? What's up?" I heard a familiar voice say. I answered him before looking up.

"Wasting my life behind a desk" I said before looking up, and regretting everything I had said. In front of my was Mason. He had on a black beanie and his curls were framing out from under it. He had on a blue t-shirt and some jeans and he was wearing a stupid smirk as if he was reading my mind about regretting answering him. 

But man, was this boy cute.

Too bad he was a jerk. 

"Well, I think we would both benefit if you left the desk and came with me" He said with a wink. I laughed at him.

"Yea, I don't think so. I'm waiting for someone actually" I told him, holding my head high keeping my eyes locked on him. 

"Oh yeah?" He said, leaning on to the desk so his face was only inches from mine, "And who would that be?" I didn't look away from him, trying to look strong and tough. 

"I'm singing a duet with some guy, and he's an hour late" I told him. I watched his eyes to see if maybe, there would be a flicker of jealousy, or something. But, there was nothing. Breaking his heart was going to be harder than I thought. He smiled at me and I raised my eyebrows as if I was asking what he was smiling about.

"That's funny, cause I'm here to meet up with a girl so I can do a duet too"

I stared at him dumbfounded. I shook my head, refusing to believe the words that had come out of his mouth.

"No, there's no way my mom would hire you" I told him. He just smiled at me once again with  that stupid bad boy smiled. I would never admit it out loud but when he smiled like that, my heart missed a beat. 

"But she did, let's go ask her" He said grabbing my hand and dragging me into the kitchen in the back. 

"Bad touch bad touch bad touch" I repeated over and over again hoping someone would hear me and take me away from this horrible boy. 

"Oh shut it" He told me as we stopped in front of my mom. 

"Oh! Mason I'm so glad you're here! I see you've already meet Scarlett!" She said grabbing him into a hug. I hadn't noticed that he had his guitar case in his hands. When my mom grabbed him he dropped it. It hit the ground with a loud thud.

He plays guitar? No. There is no way. He  has to be a fake. There's no way someone as heartless as he can sing and play guitar. It is completely impossible. 

"Why don't you guys head downstairs and start rehearsing, they won't be able to hear you from down there" I could've sworn I saw Mason's lip twitch trying to hold in his laughter. 

"You're discusting" I mouthed to him, he just smiled at me. 

"What was that honey?" My mom asked me, looking at me confused. I smiled back at her.

"Nothing mom, nothing"

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