You made me

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Toni has a crush Veronica on her best friend Veronica and Veronica does not feel the same way towards her, Veronica then gets a girlfriend and Toni gets so mad and jealous... she then goes to Cheryl to get revenge on Veronica, but little does Toni know how it is gonna end up.

a/n- I put some things in quotes because they are not true, its just Toni's Pov which she is very wrong about

(not edited)

Tonis POV:

Its been 6 months since I've seen my best friend and I really can't wait for her to come back today. I am sitting in my living room on my phone waiting for my best friend who I'm "in love" with to get here finally. 

After a while of waiting the door bell finally rings and I got up so fast to open the door. There she was, Veronica Lodge "the girl of my dreams," I gave her the longest hug ever and said "God, I've missed you." and she said "Ive missed you to Toni," then gave me a peck on the cheek which made me blush and smile. I was so happy to see Veronica I didn't even notice there was someone behind her.

There was a girl with short brown hair, hazel green eyes, and she was short I think even shorter then me- anyways Veronica moved out of the way and I got a good look at her, she's not bad looking but she's most definitely not good looking either. "Oh yeah, Toni this is my girlfriend, Julia." i look at her up and down and then look then make eye contact with her, she has a rest bitch face- anyway i look at her and fake smiled and shook her hand while she didn't even bother to smile. bitch much. i hate her already.

"You guys can come in now, you can even stay for dinner if you'd like?" i said, i was just trying to show Veronica how much better i'd be then her little girlfriend. "We actually can't, we have to be somewhere in a bit." Julia said sitting on the couch, not looking up from her phone. "No we don-" Veronica said before she got interrupted by Julia "Yes we do, now can you hurry up this little "i'm missed you" talk?" she said looking at me and Veronica. I gave her a dirty look and looked at Veronica who was already looking at me, she stood there silently then finally said "yeah.. i think we are gonna go now." I looked up at her from looking at the floor and said "oh, okay then, see you around i guess." and went to open the door letting them out.

I hate her. I hate Julia. She took Veronica from me and now i have no one. Although i think i know a way i can prove Veronica wrong about Julia, i can show her that i'm the better person for her.

"Heyy Cheryl, how are you?" i said looking at Cheryl who was leaning on the lockers looking at her phone. She then looked up at me and said "What can I help you wish antoniette?" then looking back at her phone. I looked at her and scratched the back of my neck, "Well you see.. as you may know Veronica has a girlfriend and I really wanna do something to make her jealous." i said looking at her as she smirked up at me, "Jealous of who? Me? yeah everyone is jealous of me Toni, especially Veronica." she said "No not you, i want her to be jealous of me," i said she raised an eyebrow at me and said "and what does this have to do with me?" I started to fidget with my hands and said "well... i was wondering if you would help me, by fake dating me? like we don't have to actually kiss, just hold hands and do couple stuff. just until she realizes i'm the better one." i said looking up at her, she was smirking but then she frowned her eyebrows and said "Well what's in it for me?" i smirked and looked at her straight in the eyes and said "Me." she smirked and said "I mean.. yeah i guess i could help. only cause i hate that bitch." i smirked and said "Okay then girlfriend, how does a date at pops tonight sound?" she smiled and said "Perfect." and walked away.

I really hope this works.

That night...

Toni's POV:

I sat on a booth at pops waiting for Cheryl to get here, i really hope she doesn't bail on me. I really need her for this. and its not gonna be a big deal, its not like we are gonna fall in love for real.. although I would mind if it happened... get your mind out of the gutter Toni. I heard the bells that made a noise when someone opened the door and I looked up to see the one and only Cheryl Blossom. damn she is so fucking hot and beautiful I thought as she walked over to sit on the booth. I might off been staring at her boobs as she walked over here and maybe even imaging it in slow motion.. but can you blame me?

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