The Movie Theater

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Toni & Cheryl have been dating for 4 months now and they have a perfect relationship but with final exams coming up they start to mess with their relationship, but Toni being Toni finds a way to fix that

Tonis POV:
Right now me and Cheryl are walking to my car from school and I'm just gonna drop her off at her house.

"Cheryl, baby?" I said as I rubbed her thigh, while one hand in the staring wheel. "Mhm?" Cheryl said looking away from the window, "You okay?" I asked as I turned to look at her with a worried face , "I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking," she said with a higher tone this time and she removed my hand from her thigh. I knew she wasn't mad at me she was just stressed because of all the final exams that where coming up for the end of the school year.

We pulled up to thorn hill and she got off and just went inside without even saying goodbye to me, I just sighed and headed home. On my way home I was trying to think of ways to help relax Cheryl so she won't be as stressed, and then it hit me. A movie night. Yes, I'll just text Cheryl, tell her to get ready and not tell her where we are going.

4:10 pm

Toni: Hey Cheryl, I know you have been having a bad day and I understand but I want to make it better so get ready and I'll go pick you up at 8

Cheryl: I don't wanna go anywhere.

Toni: I don't care and you won't regret it, be ready and Ill be there at 8.

Cheryl: Fine.


It is about to be 8 and I'm ready, I'm wearing some grey sweatpants with a white tank top over a black and white flannel with some black and white air forces I headed to my car then to a store so I can pick up some snacks for the movies cause that shit be expensive asf so might as well buy my own and sneak them in.

Once I got all the snacks I headed to Cheryls house hoping she was ready, I knocked on the door and there she was beautiful as ever. She was wearing some white track shorts with a black crop top with the same shoes as me we both bought and her hair in a messy bun. I smiled at her as I checked her out basic but always very hot, "Who knew we thought the same and matched" I finally said. She gave me a small smile and hugged me, I tightly hugged her back taking in her addicting smell. We finally let go she pecked my cheek and let out her hand which I took and we headed to the car.

When we finally made it to the movie theater it was easy to sneak the snacks in, and we decided to watch the conjuring 3 and if I'm 100% honest I haven't even watched the 1 or 2 but Cheryl wanted to watch it, so as long as it makes her happy I'm here for it.

We took a seat and watched the movie. 30 minutes into the movie I felt Cheryl put her hand on my thigh and she slowly began to stroke it, my breath hitched and I looked up at her smirking. "I really want this so don't make a lot of noise, cause you don't wanna get caught right?" Cheryl whispered in my ear, I bit my lip and nodded as she moved her hand into my pants. I whimpered as she circled my clit through my soaking underwear, "please" I whispered under my breathe. She smirked at me and moved my underwear aside and slowly ran her fingers through my folds. I moaned and she put her other hand over my mouth and pushed a finger into me.

"Fuck" I moaned into her hand and she slowing began to pump, I looked at her in the eyes and she smirked added another finger and started going faster. I tried to hold in my moans which was really hard."Shut up, before I stop" Cheryl said, I nodded my head and then threw it back feeling my orgasm coming, "Cheryl ca- can I cum?" I breathed out. "Hold it in a bit longer for me," she whispered in my ear then bit it. "Oh Fuckk okay" I moaned into her hand, then she started going at an incredibly fast pace and I couldn't hold it anymore. "Can I please cum now," I begged, she looked at me then said "Cum."

I let it all out on her hands and she smirked look at me as she took her hand out and licked it clean as she still held eye contact with me. Then she pulled me in for a kiss and I moaned as I taste myself in her mouth. She pulled away and said "You better return the favor when we get home," I smirked at her and said "Oh I will," then went back to watching the movie. Holy fuck that was hot.

A/n: I know it's short but it's something. anyways I hope you guys have an amazing rest of the week and I hope you guys enjoyed this... movie theater sex is hot.

Wc: 1,033

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