Chapter Eight: Motorcycle Ride

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I took Rosé to the guestroom in my house and took off her coat.

Her clothes were loose so I let her sleep in them.

I pulled the covers over her and turned on the heater. It's cold, even in the room.

I pushed her hair back and sat beside her.

I don't know why but she fell asleep while we were at the porch.

I kissed her forehead, for no apparent reason and turned off the lights then left.

I met my dad by the doorway and he looked genuinely worried.

"Chu, is she going to be okay?"

"Yes Appa. She just needs to rest, she's stressed" I told him and he hugged me.

"Take care of her okay? She's a good girl" He placed his hand on my head and I nodded.

"Come on, let's go cook dinner" I told him and he smiled.

He loves cooking with me. It reminds him of my mom and I look alot like her too.


I was half asleep, still on the way to Chicken Paradise when I felt my bed dip.

Someone got in bed with me and got under the covers too.

I raised my head up but a hand covered my mouth.


She looked at me with pleading eyes and I laid my head back on the pillow.

She looked into my eyes for a brief moment before her eyes trailed down to her hand that was on my mouth.

I followed her gaze and she took her hand off.

"I.. can I... stay here?" She asked me.

"You're already here"

She smiled nervously and I sat up, propping up a pillow behind me so I could lay against it.

"I just.. wanted to.. I wanted to.. uhm, this is hard" She laid on her back and faced the ceiling.

"Sleep next to the best person in the world?" I asked in a sleepy tone and she giggled.

"That's not how I would say it but, close" She seemed happy saying that.

"You are a saint and that would spoil your precious pure soul" I mumbled and she looked at me.

"My soul is not pure. It's not even happy" She said seriously.

"What do you mean?" I asked her and she sat up.

"I told you already. How can you call me a pure person if I'm in a relationship with someone and I still came to your house at this time of the night?"

"You came here for help Rosé. It's not like he'd have helped you and I know you know that" I said and she hugged her knees.

"There was this point at the beginning, everything was okay and I thought we could make it work. But, he changed, after the first week, and showed his true colours. Our relationship is nothing but a dead rose being painted to look alive" She huffed and I reached out to hold her hand but stopped myself.

"And you're still with him?"

"I have no choice Jisoo. It's a business thing and if I back out, my parents might kick me out" She said and I suddenly felt frustrated.

"Then back out. You can stay with me" I didn't even realise when the words came out of my mouth.

"I didn't expect you to be so nice Jisoo yah" She chuckled and I smiled.

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