And I Love Her

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"Isn't this fantastic?" The Doctor exclaimed, stepping out of the TARDIS wearing his classic brown pinstripe suit, hands pulling on his pockets and swaying on his feet. "Y/N?" he called out, shouting into the TARDIS, "Are you nearly ready, love? It's starting soon!"
Y/N stepped out of the swinging blue doors, rocking a very-sixties denim dress and stylish curled hair, along with funky, colourful eye makeup that exactly fit the era they had travelled to. Her white latex boots hit the concrete and she caught herself in her heels. "I cannot believe this!" She was grinning from ear to ear, giving a girly spin to show off her outfit, "A bloody Beatles concert! As in, THE Beatles! In their prime!" The doctor laughed happily and allowed himself to show his excitement, looking down on her with fond eyes. "Come on then, I'm not missing a SECOND of this!" He laughed again and grabbed her hand, tugging her along towards the venue. "Allons-y!" She shouted mockingly, laughing at her own joke. The venue smelt strongly of cigarettes and popcorn, an odd combination but it was perfect all the same. Pulling her to the front, the Doctor cheered and Y/N roared at the sight of those all familiar faces. Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were standing mere metres away from them. The room pounded as girls shrieked and grown women fainted as the strums of the guitar filled the ears of every lucky viewer. Before she even knew what she was doing, Y/N was singing wildly along with the lyrics of Twist and Shout. The evening was filled with laughter and a couple dodgy dance moves from The Doctor's part, but it was one of the best nights of Y/N's life. Taking a minute to let the moment soak in, time seemed to slow as she watched The Doctor laughing and twirling, his deep, umber eyes twinkling underneath the stage lights. He noticed. He stopped. Everyone else in the room seemed to fade away. The only two that mattered in that moment were them, and only them. She had never seen The Doctor look at her like that in the whole time they had travelled together. His hand gently cupped her warming cheek, and she stood there for what seemed like a lifetime, staring into the man's eyes. He leant down to reach her, forgetting the whole environment, and locked his lips with hers for the most loving, passionate kiss she knew she would ever experience. In that shared moment, they both knew they were head over heels. Faces red and hearts throbbing, time came to a halt.

Y/N's eyes flickered open to meet the usual bright lampshade her eyes gaze upon every single morning in this lovely TARDIS. Whilst waking up in the TARDIS was a wonderful experience, her heart completely sank down from her chest. It was all a dream. A bloody illusion. Instead of sweet smoke and buttered treats, her nose was filled with the smell of oil and freshly cleaned sheets. Instead of the electrifying sound of strings and drums, all she could hear was the clanging of tools against metal, seemingly coming from the control room. She shut her eyes again, hoping and praying to return to that wonderful night, the night that never was. Nothing but dark. Dragging herself out of bed, she slouched and left her room, strolling down the long hallways with her hands in her short's pockets. Slowly, some song she had never heard came into play, coming from the control room. She leaned against the pilot's seat and greeted The Doctor with nothing more but a gentle smile. "Ah! Y/N, you're up! How'd you sleep?" The wonderful man asked, poking his head out from whatever panel he was working away from with his odd-looking screwdriver poking out from the top of his ear, giving her a friendly grin. "I slept.. brilliantly, thanks." She looked down contently, the song coming to an end and his playlist continuing. The opening strums of "And I Love Her" by none other than The Beatles themselves greeted her and a blushing, smiling expression crawled across her scarlet face. The Doctor gave her a funny looked, an eyebrow raised. "What are you grinning at, you?" "Oh, nothing, doc." She grinned more, chuckling to herself lightly. The TARDIS 100% knew what she was doing. Stupid thing.

ahh!! i really hope you like this story, i really like the plot of it, leave requests and suggestions for me :))

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