Mr Grey

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WARNING: SUGGESTIVE SCENES, no actual smut though :)

"Right, that should be the last of it." Y/N huffed as she set the final box in the control room of the TARDIS. After six months of travelling with the Doctor, he asked her if she wanted to move in permanently. Of course, she nearly broke his tailbone when she jumped on him in enthusiasm. Her lovely little London flat was emptied of the majority of her belongings, the things that she wanted to bring with her anyway.

"Blimey, you are not short of things, are you, love?" The Doctor said, eyebrows raised. "Sorry, should've said, bit of a hoarder!" Y/N grinned, grabbing a heavy box with ease to bring to her room, "I'm going to need a big strong man to help me carry my stuff to my room, so you better find one quickly." She smirked mischievously, eyeing the Doctor.
"Oi! I am a big strong man." He protested, furrowing his once raised brows and huffing as he struggled to pick up one of the boxes.
"Come on, twiggy! I need everything here in my room ASAP." She teased, strolling off casually "Alright, alright, calm down she-hulk." He groaned, trailing after her.

"Can you do me a favour and unpack the book box and put them on my shelf whilst i sort out my clothes?" She asked sweetly, carefully trimming the tape of the box with an army knife.
"This is slave labour, you better be paying me. Tenner an hour, no less." He joked, almost cutting himself when he opened the box too quickly. He began sorting out all of her books, organising them as neatly as he could on her shelves. He was oddly interested in her taste in books, it was giving him good guidance for future birthday presents.

"I'm going to run to the toilet a minute, can you manage not to wreck the place on your own?" She snickered, leaning against the doorframe on the way out.
"Oh shush, I'm doing great with these shelves." He replied, shooting her a teasingly dirty look. As Y/N walked off, searching for a bathroom, he kept curiously reading her book covers. Bridget Jones Diary, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice... hang on.

He lifted a book with a white paper book cover on it. Why would she have a privacy cover? Carefully unfolding it, his hearts stopped. And then all of a sudden, they started beating really really quickly. And sent blood to a place they shouldn't unless alone. It was a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey. It was... well used too. The pages were crumpled, and she had dog-eared pages with 'special' scenes, if you know what I mean. Really? Y/N? His Y/N?
'What if she fancies Christian Grey?' he thought, the excitement turning quickly to worry. He was the exact opposite of Christian Grey. The thought of her being excited by this stuff though made him turn a bright shade of red.

He was completely lost in his own dirty thoughts that he didn't even notice Y/N coming back.
"You haven't made much progress have you, mister?" She joked as she walked back over to the wardrobe, not looking at what he was holding. He quickly scrambled to his feet, covering his lower body with one of the boxes. "I'm going to... check something! In the control room. Just to make sure that we haven't, you know, drifted off into a grey hole. A black hole! Sorry. Be back in a minute." He waffled, quickly pacing out and heading towards his own room instead of the control room.

Y/N turned around suspiciously as she heard him saunter off the wrong direction. What the hell was he up to? The Doctor was never nervous around her. She was constantly nervous around him, considering she was head over heels for the time lord, but he was so casual all the time. Something's wrong. Maybe he's ill. Or he's annoyed with her. She creeped out of her room and down the creaky metal hallway. When she reached his room, she gently pushed open the door a bit so she could peek in. All that was in the view was the bed.

There was two of his signature ties wrapped around the bedposts, and the bed was littered with strange items. Ropes, whips, canes, even handcuffs. Oh my god. Is he keeping someone hostage? She burst through the doors, and the Doctor actually shrieked in fear. Screamed. Like a little girl. Nine, ten years old. Pigtails. Frilly skirt. He was just stood there.
"What the hell's going on?" Questioned Y/N. She looked him down and up. Then... down again. Her eyes locked on his bulge. Oh God. Cheeks gone red. Eyes gone wide. Breathing turned heavy.

"Oh my god, sorry, I should've knocked, I thought-" She waffled, before getting interrupted.
"No, I'm sorry! I was sorting your books and I found... Well, I came across Fifty Shades of Grey, and I thought you might've been into this practice, but then the thoughts made this happen and-" He covered himself with a pillow embarrassingly. She thought for a second then walked over, a hungry look in her eyes.
"I've always thought you were very attractive, Doctor. I hope you know that." She smirked mischievously and grabbed his tie, pulling him closer to her and whispering sensually.

"Show me your skills, Mr Grey."

AHHHH! sorry, had a thought and turned it into a one shot. hope you guys enjoy reading it! let me know if you want anything specific, or any other characters :)

cheers - writer x

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