Night-Life (Part One)

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This is the first part of the series, so it's set in Y/N's (the reader's) POV.
Warnings: Minor SA mention, Swearing.

Not again. I roll my eyes and sigh, getting up to run my thumb under cold water. Why can't I curl my hair without getting burnt every time I twist my hair the wrong way? Whatever, it'll fall out the second I leave the house anyway. My natural hair pattern never fails to return. I spent ages on my eyeliner, and one wing still seems to be longer than the other.
The velvet on my green dress is irritating my skin, and it keeps riding up so it looks like I'm purposely trying to make my mini-dress shorter than it already is.
There's eyeshadow in the tear gland, the little red corner on my eyes.
There's lipstick on my teeth, I look like a child who has a bad habit of brushing their teeth with a crayon.
There's blisters on my feet from these boots that I haven't owned long enough to break in. I bought a new pair recently. I left my old ones on the TARDIS. I'd rather spend a hundred and forty quid on doc marten's than go back and spend any awkward time with the Doctor. Why so negative, Y/N? I have my reasons. I would tell you now, but I'm running late.

I unhooked my black blazer off my door and walked downstairs. I cringe as the fake leather feels cold against my bare arms. I fumble to open my flat's front door and step outside to be greeted by the cruel winter air. Why am I going out when I'm in a bad mood, you ask? Trust me, it's not by choice. I used to love going out, I was a bit of a party animal, but I got used to the more cosy life when I was clinging onto the Doctor for years.

My thoughts are cut short by the sound of clinking heels against concrete and the cheers and laughter of women who are carelessly in their twenties. I proudly present, my friends. If you listen in, you'll hear a specifically obnoxious laugh. That's my best mate, Lydia. It's her 22nd birthday, and I wasn't allowed to miss it.
"Y/N!" I make my way down the stairs and get bombarded with a hug from the birthday girl herself.
"Happy Birthday, Lyds." I say through a slightly forced smile. I don't mean to sound horrible, I really don't, but my head's all over the place lately.
"Oh, Y/N, thank you so much for coming out tonight. I know you've been having a tough time lately." She added sympathetically, pouting her wine-stained lips at me.
"Of course she came, she's better off without some aging-whining-unemployed-skinny man trailing after her!" commented another friend, Scarlett. I grin in appreciation but I wince a bit too. I don't want anyone to insult the Doctor, no matter how whiny he is. The aging bit didn't really apply, though.
"Enough about me, okay? This is Lydia's night, so get going before all the good men get swept up!" I added enthusiastically. I wasn't interested in going near any man, no matter how good they are, but I have to keep the energy up for Lydia's sake.

We strut down the street like something out of a feminist movie, and head into the first crowded club we see. I come from a little town in Ireland, so I used to get so excited by the big discos in London. Nothing's quite the same anymore. Jesus, it really is crowded in here. The whole joint was wall-to-wall with gorgeous people. I immediately watched Charlotte and Jenny lock target on a stag party full of attractive, muscly men.
"There's your jackpot, babe." advised Jenny, pointing my gaze towards the group.
"Rebound sex is a sure fire way to get over that John of yours, Y/N." grinned Charlotte, already half way across the dance floor, hitching up her chartreuse body-con dress and pulling up her push-up bra. Alright, yeah, I told my friends the Doctor was called John Smith. I didn't want to have to explain the whole no-name situation to anyone. Even Lydia was convinced that he was an ordinary guy.

"I'll be there in a minute, girls, I just want to grab a drink first." I replied, lying through my teeth. I do actually head over to the bar though, and perch myself on a tall stool.
"What can I get you, love?" the bartender asked in a thick, cockney accent. I love that accent. "Double vodka cranberry, please. And a shot of vodka on the side." I request. Look, don't judge me, alright? This night's going to be long enough as it is, I deserve a bit of confidence. "Here you go, darling, that'll be eleven-fifty." He said handing over the two glasses. I set the money on the bar and immediately take the shot, feeling the warmness ooze down my throat and remain around my chest. God, sweet relief.

Twenty minutes later, I finish the last swig from my glass just as a hand snatches it from behind me.
"Looks like you need another one of these then, eh?" said a deep voice. I spin around to clap eyes on a very good-looking bloke. Tall, skinny, gelled, smoothly styled black hair, and black holes where his eyes should be. He shoots me a devilish grin as he pays the tender for the same again and hands it to me.
"What's a gorgeous girl like you sitting on her own for, then?" He questions, keeping straight eye contact with me as he flirts effortlessly. It's very difficult to keep my calm when an Alex Turner look-a-like was flicking his eyes between my shocked eyes and my cleavage. "I'm here for my friend's birthday but decided I wanted some alone time." I answer a few seconds later. Keep it together, Y/N, think of the Doctor. You still have undying feelings for him, you can't possibly flirt with another man. Although, Char and Jen may have had a point with the whole rebound sex idea.
"Well, you've had your time alone, so why don't you join me on the dance floor, miss..?" He's sitting on the stool opposite me with his legs spread so far apart that I can spot THE outline in his leather trousers. I sound like such a pervert. "Y/L/N. Y/N Y/L/N." I answer loudly. Is it just me or have they really cranked up the music in here? I can barely hear his voice over the Dizzie Rascal.
"Amazing to meet you, Y/N. I'm Alex" He smirks the second sexiest smirk I've ever seen. Again, my mind wanders back to the Doctor. "As in... Alex Turner!" I say in sheer shock, I knew i recognised him from somewhere.
"No, unfortunately not, but I get that a lot." He says, chuckling slightly, "But... I bet you look good on the dance floor." He's impossibly smooth. And very hard to resist. So, before I know it, I'm up and dancing. I've got to stop drinking.

The song was fairly innocent until it abruptly ended and a sensual, slow song starts blaring through the speakers and the lights turned dark red. We start to dance, and gradually he makes his way closer to me. He grabs my waist and pulls me in, swaying lightly. Okay, maybe this isn't too bad. Just a dance. I thought that, until I feel a firm squeeze against my ass. Fuck. I moved back to let him know it wasn't okay, but once I moved back forward he did it again. Double fuck. This is meant to be just a bit of fun. I'm only messing about, I don't actually want to end up in this man's bed sheets. I love the Doctor, not a stranger I met ten minutes ago. I move away to distance myself a little bit, but immediately he strings me back close to him and kisses me with cigarette breath.

I push him away from me, slapping him before I storm out of the large doors.
"Oh, Come on, Y/N, Don't be such a tease!" I hear him yell after me as the cold air stings my exposed legs. I turned my head and looked back and saw the scene of two bouncers holding him against a wall after restraining him. He deserved it. Asshole.

I cross my arms to pull my jacket to cover myself up, in a desperate attempt to try to retain some heat. I walk until I reach the river, and stand leaning against the railings, watching the glistening Thames' water in the moonlight and the bustling nightlife of the party-ers singing songs and drinking expensive cocktails across the water. And again, I felt alone. Which seemed nice for a moment, I'd rather be alone than be in that club. But then I felt the deep pit my stomach had become even deeper. My head cleared for long enough for me to think about the Doctor.

Without him, the city certainly felt a whole lot more lonely.

Without my Doctor, the universe felt a whole lot lonely too.

Next part should be coming soon! Give me some feedback, as this is like nothing I've done before :) Thanks!!

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