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The sound of her bedside clock pounded in her head as she glared at the pale white ceiling. Rolling over onto her side and laying her head on the back of her hand, she eyed the clock. 2:37am. She hadn't been able to sleep the whole night, and it was really irritating. Thoughts whizzed around her head of fantasies that she wished to be true. All the places she wanted to ask the Doctor to take her. Paris in the 1950s. To see a supernova. To the Live Aid festival so she could finally go to a Queen concert. God, she wanted these big romantic days with him, and yet most of the time her days were spent fighting space creatures and trying to avoid getting killed by whichever one of the Doctor's million enemies was attacking her. She loved every minute, of course, but she just wished that every once in a while it was just her and him, no interruptions, or near-death experiences. What else is someone to do when they can't sleep apart from getting lost in their own imagination?

Her thoughts were silenced by a shout coming from the control room. Y/N sat up immediately, quickly pushing her duvet off her legs and sprinting out into the hallway and down it, only stopping at the control room. "Doctor?" She exclaimed, watching him from the door. He was buried underneath the panels, and popped his head out when he heard his name being called.
"Y/N? Did I wake you?" He asked with an apologetic look in his eyes.
"No, Don't worry, but what were you shouting for?" She said in a high pitched voice, looking concerned about why he was fixing the TARDIS at two in the morning.
"Oh, sorry, I whacked my head trying to come back to the surface to grab my sonic." He waved the sonic in his fingers at her, then raised his eyebrow,
"What are you doing awake anyway? You're never really awake at this time." He eyed her suspiciously, wondering if something was wrong.
"I could ask you the same thing!" She scoffed, "Just can't sleep, that's all." Her voice softened.

"Me too, I'm afraid." He replied, pulling himself up and perching on the side of the hole he'd created in the ground. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and red plaid pyjama bottoms. Y/N's heart skipped a beat. She barely ever saw him in clothes that wasn't a two piece suit and a tie. How could someone make pyjamas so sexy? Snap out of it, Y/N.
"Fancy a cup of tea?" She asked, walking past him and towards the kitchen. She felt him eyeing her outfit as she walked past, she was lounging in fluffy Y/F/C bottoms with little grey cat faces on them, and a comfy AC/DC shirt.
"Probably shouldn't have caffeine at this time, but go on then" he replied, fidgeting with the tassels of his trousers until she returned with two large mugs filled to the brim with tea.

"Here you are, good sir." She said in a posh old english accent, handing him the mug and plopping on the floor of the TARDIS, leaning against the controls. He got out of the man-hole and grabbed his coat from the railings. "Here, you must be freezing." He sat next to her and wrapped the large beige coat around the both of them, putting his arm around her and pulling her into this chest. He kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair. They both blushed intensely but she felt so comfortable in his arms. She felt like completely going crazy and planting a million kisses all over his body and hugging him until she couldn't anymore, but for now she just allowed herself to melt into his chest.

"Are you sure that everything's alright, darling?" He questioned, breaking the silence after they had spent the last twenty minutes sipping tea and enjoying eachother's company. "Yeah, I was just thinking about things. That's why I couldn't sleep." she mumbled tiredly.
"... thinking about what?" he lowered his voice to match her's.
"Just... us. How much I want more little moments like this between us. Moments where we aren't running away from danger, where i can purely enjoy your presence without fearing for my life. It's a funny old life in the TARDIS, and I know you warned me that trouble's always going to follow where you go, but I adore a little quiet every once in a while." she explained, clearly rambling because she was half asleep.
"It's alright, angel, just fall asleep now. We'll always have moments like this." he kissed her head again and rested his chin on the top of it, waiting for her to drift off. He planned to carry her to her bed and let her sleep there, but he wanted to wait a bit. It was so peaceful. He didn't want to move. All he wanted was to listen to her soft breathing and to feel her chest lift and fall in her sleep.

In a way, she was completely right. He loved his life of adventure, and danger, and excitement. But... there was something about little moments like this. He would give up the universe to be bunched up on the cold floor of the TARDIS with the girl he adored forever.

hello again!! this one's a bit more fluffy, but i quite like it :) it's nice to write something wholesome every once in w while, so i hope you enjoy reading it!

- writer x

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