Night-Life (Part Two)

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The Doctor's POV
WARNINGS: Slight violence, nothing major.

I shut the TARDIS door and locked it, returning back to my beloved ship. I sigh and throw my coat over the railings, then proceeding to lean against them. I only spent half a day out there. I went to 1950's Wisconsin for a bit of a more relaxed day out, to cheer myself up, but it sort of did the opposite. Whatever town I had landed in, unfortunately, it was the night of Valentine's Day. All around were young couples without a care in the world, kissing in the back seats of cars and giggling whilst sharing strawberry milkshakes. I know it's really cheesy, but I couldn't help but think about Y/N. How much she'd jump at the opportunity to go to a drive-in to see a vintage romance, or how beautiful she would look in the trendiest 50's dresses. God, I would give anything, anything in the universe to see her face light up at all the glowing diner signs and the Valentine's decorations. But I messed up. I lost her, a month ago. She isn't with me. So, I didn't get to experience the 'fun' Valentine's Day I wanted to. The warm feeling of seeing people together quickly turned to jealousy as the once romantic setting quickly turned to hell.

So, I returned to the TARDIS, hands in pockets and a frown on my face that could kill. I had spent lifetimes travelling alone before, but life before Y/N was very different to life after Y/N. Every minute of every day since she left has been spent daydreaming about how much I missed her luminescent smile and life-filled eyes. I missed not having a hand to hold. A person to keep in my arms. Why am I allowing myself to be apart from her? I have to see her, I have to get her back, no matter what it takes. I flick all the right switches and hit the right buttons to lock the location for present day London. I take a deep breathe before I pull down on the lever. The force flings me back and whilst it does so, thoughts are zooming around my already busy head. What if I'm making a mistake? What if she doesn't want to see me? As the ship lands, I realise it's worth a shot, so I quickly smarten myself up and run outside.

All the Christmas decorations were down in London. I looked around and saw the windows of closed shops. "VALENTINE'S DAY SALE" and "20% OFF VALENTINE'S GIFTS" were plastered on all of them. It couldn't be, could it? Valentine's night. I was about to walk down the street when I heard a particularly obnoxious laugh. That's... Lydia? Y/N's best friend. I quickly hid in the alley the TARDIS was parked in, and peered out at the crowd walking past. I was right. It's Lydia, in a while crowd of girls. And at the back... there she is. Goodness, she looks showstopping. That green velvet dress. She wore that on our first date, and she still looks as incredible in it. Doc Marten boots... I thought she left those in the TARDIS? She wore them nearly every day. A wave of emotion came over me as I saw her in the flesh. I'm so hopelessly in love with her. I watch the crowd enter the bustling night club across the street. I have to make things right this time.

I go back into the TARDIS and travel to a different day, and go into a gift shop. I scanned the shelves nervously. What if she thinks it's cringey? She was always a bit of a romantic, but maybe things have changed. After a while of indecisiveness, I pick up a bunch of red roses. Too basic? Or is it classic? It doesn't matter, I need to get back. I practically sprint back to the TARDIS and travel back to the same spot, approximately half an hour later. I run out of my precious machine and jog across the street, passing the bouncers with the physic paper. My senses are overwhelmed with the smell of perfume and sweat, and the sight of flashing strobe. I have to find her. My eyes search the crowd desperately until I spot her. She looks amazing under this lighting. I take a step forward until I notice. She wasn't alone.

She was dancing with some... man. An attractive man. Who was this? Her new boyfriend? Had she moved on that quickly? They looked pretty close anyway, if I do say so myself. His hand is resting on her lower back and her face is buried in the crook of his neck. I'm too late. My hearts felt like they both broke into a million little pieces. How could I be so stupid? Of course she's moved on. I have to leave her be. No matter how much it hurt. I left the club, defeated and unhappy, and I lean against a wall, trying my very best not to let my overflowing eyes break down. I really did mean nothing to her. I stood there, feeling sorry for myself, until I heard commotion.
"Oh, Come on Y/N, Don't be such a tease!" I hear a man's voice shout. I look up so quickly that I nearly snap my neck.

She was speed-walking away from the club, and I watch the man get tackled by bouncers. He deserves it. Asshole. I walk over there myself, fury steaming out of my ears. Once the bouncers left, I grabbed the man by the collar and pushed him against the wall, pure hatred pulsing through my veins.
"I don't know who you are, but stay away from Y/N. You don't want to see what I would be capable of if you ever hurt her." I scowl before throwing him on the ground with a thump. I hate being violent, but I had wanted to do that from the second I saw him putting his filthy hands on my girl.

I spin on my heels and started running down the street, tracing her steps. There. She's effortlessly leaning against the railings of the river, looking into the night-life ahead. The anger in my chest quickly melted away, being replaced with pure, true adoration.

Now that she's in front of me, the city certainly feels a whole lot less lonely.

Now that she's here, the universe felt a lot less lonely too.

Part 2 done!! I've never written from the Doctor's perspective before, so sorry if it's not what you were hoping for :)

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