Kiss it Better

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"Open fire!"
That was the last thing I heard before I ducked, tucking myself under a tall trench. The screeches of machines guns rattled in my ears as they were faced with sontaran strikes. I grappled at my ears with my hands in a pathetic attempt to shield them from the noise. I shut my eyes shortly after, gripping my hair and digging my feet into the softened, muddy ground.

"Right, you're coming with me, missy." I was lifted off the ground and thrown over the shoulder of a six-foot-four buff soldier.
"Oi!" I yelled, digging my nails into his back as an attempt to get set free. I flailed my legs like a rag doll as he ran whilst carrying me, taking me to what seemed to be a shielded base. "Put me down, G.I Joe!"
"Calm down, princess, I'm trying to protect you." Any other protests I had were carelessly ignored by the strong stranger as he quite literally dragged me kicking and screaming into the base.

It wasn't until I had calmed that he took me into a med-room and set me on the table. He didn't speak. Or even look at me. He just set his hip flask beside me and slumped down on an office chair, tapping away at a desktop keyboard.
"Who exactly do you think you are? Lifting women and taking them wherever you like?" I crossed my arms and glared at him, awaiting an explanation.
"Kit Garcia."
"That's who I think I am. Kit Garcia." He said, not even glancing off the screen to look at me. "And I lifted you for good reason. That's a war out there. Humans against Sontarans. Not that I expect you to know what they are." He had a smug look on his face. I hated that, no matter how handsome it was. "Sonataran race? Ugly little troll things? Yeah. I've seen them before." The look got wiped off his face as he locked eyes with me, almost like the smugness had been transferred from him to me.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back out there." I said as I leaped off the table, heading towards the exit before he grabbed my wrist with a grip that could kill.
"I wouldn't do that, darling. You wouldn't survive out there."
"I need to go out there. My friend's out there. I can't just leave." I explained, trying to tug myself away but failing.
"I'm sure one of the other soldiers will bring her in here soon."
"No, he'll be out there by himself." I emphasised the pronouns in my sentence in hope that he would take a hint.
"I really think you should stay here. You were alone out there, so evidently he doesn't care that much, sweetheart." He spun me around by my wrist so I landed back on the table before perching himself beside me.

He lifted his large hand and lightly traced my jawline with his index whilst staring deep into my eyes. "You're safe in here with me, aren't you?" He smirked seductively and placed two fingers under my chin, pulling me closer towards his face.
"Am I interrupting something?"
Never had I been so grateful to hear that cockney accent. I leaped off the desk, pushing Kit away as I practically jumped into the Doctor, tightening my arms around his neck. "Thank God you're safe! I couldn't find you anywhere, I was starting to think you'd got yourself into trouble."

The Doctor didn't respond to me. In fact, he was barely hugging me back. He just held me whilst glaring hardly at Kit, scowling like a school boy.
"Doctor?" I took my face out of the crook in his neck to try and lock eyes with him, but he continued to stare towards Kit. The tension in the room was becoming too much to handle. He kissed my head lightly then shrugged me off, approaching Kit.

"Why did you bring her here? She isn't injured." He questioned with an eyebrow raised, tucking his hands into his arms as he crossed them.
"I saw a beautiful woman stranded in the middle of a battle. I guess you could say my instinct kicked in." Kit seemed to be holding his ground, not even standing up. Watching the stand-off was terrifying.
"Your instinct kicked in? Are you sure you don't mean your libido kicked in?" The Doctor was almost growling with every word. Kit stood up with a push of the table, squaring up to the Doctor with his fists tightly clenched. Kit stood a good few inches higher than him, and I could just about spot the Doctor gulping.
"Why's it your business? What are you? Her husband? Her little cuckold that she walks on like a doormat?" I couldn't help but grin silently in the corner, snickering at the fact that he thinks not only that we're married but that he's my cuckold too.

Things quickly escalated as fury rose in the Doctor and he shoved Kit back, sending him back first into the table. Kit quickly retaliated and soon enough a full fight broke out. It wasn't until Kit threw a punch so hard into the Doctor's skull that he fell hard on the ground that I knew this had to stop.

I ran between them and yelled at them to cease being such children. I slapped Kit hard before helping up the Doctor, grabbing a med-kit and attempting to leave.
"That's right. Walk off, you coward. Do what your little girlfriend tells you to do." Adrenaline rapidly arose in the Doctor as he spun around and was about to charge at him before I placed a hand on his chest.
"You're better than this. Just leave him." I practically dragged the Doctor out of there as I guided him back to the TARDIS.

The doors greeted us by opening automatically and I lugged him in, sitting him down in the leather seats in the control room. I set the first aid box beside him and straddled him, ignoring his fussing to get closer to his battered face. He hissed and complained as I blobbed antiseptic onto his wounds with a cotton ball, claiming that it was stinging.
"You were brave trying to fight a borderline super soldier, you can be brave when I'm trying to patch you up too." He rolled his eyes playfully as I grinned at him, gently covering up his cuts with bandage and handing him an ice pack to hold on his bruises.

I un-mounted him and sat by his side, moving his hair so he could hold the pack as close to the injuries as he could.
"It still hurts." he complained, wallowing in self-pity.
"Yeah, well I'm not kissing it better. You're the idiot who started fighting with him." I fidgeted with strands of my hair as we talked, resting one of my legs on his thigh.
"I'm not an idiot, I did it for good reason. He was looking at you like a piece of meat." He looked down, almost embarrassed that he got so riled up.

"You wouldn't be jealous, would you Doctor?" I grinned gleefully and pushed his shoulder which was met with a wince of pain from him. "Oh, quiet you. Make yourself useful and get me a cup of tea before I die from my wounds." He pushed me back with reddened cheeks and a sheepish expression.
"Alright, but I want you to know that I'm not getting my nose busted everytime one of your many admirers make a move on you." I teased, making my way out of his view and into the kitchen, leaving him alone. His pain was numbed by love, and he came to the conclusion that getting his face roughed up was definitely worth keeping me.

He kept asking me to kiss it better though.

I did.

A/N: sorry i haven't written in so long! i'm doing my GCSE's currently so it's hard to find free time in between exams and revision. I hope you all enjoyed reading about the Doctor attempting to be a knight in shining armour ;) i'll try my best to keep posting but not a lot will be up for the next few weeks, so thank you for being patient! if you have any requests please ask! love you all, - author x

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