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October 11, 1990

"Come on girls, your on in 7." I quickly stubbed out the shared joint, hoping our manager didn't see us.
I sprung up from the couch backstage, grabbed my drumsticks, and made my way with everyone else towards the stage.

While walking up I couldn't help but hear the people on stage before us. "Who is this playing on stage frank, their really good?" I asked with genuine curiosity. "Nirvana, they just got a new drummer and this is the first time he's playing with them."
The drummer though caught my eye. I mean from drummer to drummer he was amazing, handsome as well.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the guy introducing the artists yelled for our band. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IT IS MY PLEASURE TO INTRODUCE Hole." "Well, that's the most excitement I've ever seen someone have" I whispered to Courtney as she pushed past me to be first on stage. "excuse you too then".

"I'm doing this for me, not for you so if you happen to like it, great, if you don't happen to like it... suck it," Courtney said this right before throwing water into the crowd.
I let Courtney give her speech to the crowd only partially listening, after she tells the crowd the first song we're playing I start to bang my sticks together. " ONE, TWO, THREE, ONE.."

Dressing room:

"I think that was our best show yet, small crowd though," I said while looking around at my band members. "Yeah, it would've been if you didn't slam on the damn drums like a fucking idiot," Courtney said right before she wandered off to god knows where, obviously fully wasted.
Courtney was great sometimes, most of the time. But when she was high, wasted, or on drugs, everyone's life was a living hell.

"I'm gonna go look for her..." Frankie said before she stood up obviously uncomfortable. "Yeah, I think we're gonna go help too," Everyone else said also uncomfortable. It was normal for Courtney to snap every once in a while I don't know why everyone was being weird about it this time, I mean she did it to me just before the show.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I rose up from the dirty old couch I was sitting on, which had to be at least 100 years old, and walked over to the closet that held our band's instruments.
I crouched down and opened Josie's guitar case. The insides were filled with pictures of her and her younger sister. They both had the same gorgeous orange hair and green eyes.
I slowly picked up the guitar. It was a Fender Vintera 60's stereocaster, a beautiful yet expensive guitar. "Hope she's not upset that I'm using hers." I thought to myself while putting the strap over my head.

I walked back over to the sofa excited to play the song I was working on. I hadn't let anyone hear my song, surprisingly not even the band.
I plugged Josie's guitar into an amp and I put the volume on 3 still not wanting anyone to hear I was playing.

Once I was set up I played the first chord, A#.

"I am doll eyes, doll mouth, doll legs" I tapped my foot to the rhythm as I sang my song, enjoying the way it sounded. This was one of my favorite songs that I've written but I was quickly shunned by this thought knowing my music would never make it out there coming from me.

However, I did write some songs for the band, though they would all be sung by Courtney (me sometimes singing backup vocals).

I finished off my song, proud of myself for completing the whole thing without messing up a chord. I smiled to myself until I heard an earsplitting noise.


"That was amazing, can you sing another song for me?" The tall man with long brown hair down to his shoulders standing in the doorway said with a smirk.
"Who the hell are you and why are you in my dressing room?!" I said with fear.

"I'm sorry miss." He said with a toothy grin. "I'm just looking for one of the lady's who played their show after us."
"Oh.... well Courtney is off somewhere and I don't think she'll be back for a while so you can go now," I said.

He was shocked by my statement as if he was offended that I even thought that's who he was looking for.
"Actually I'm looking for the drummer of the band" "This is she," I said confused to what this man would say next.

"Oh well, hi then." He ran up to me shoving his hand out of his pocket into my face, expecting a had shake in return. "hey....?" I said confused but still shaking his hand.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm disrupting whatever it is here you have going on," he said pointing to the guitar, referring to the show I put on for myself. "But I just wanted to say I loved your drumming and I think you really brought a lot to the show."
Shocked by the recognition of this stranger I stuttered in my response. "Oh thank you dude," I said with the biggest grin on my face.

"We're you playing today, you look kinda familiar"
"Yeah, I was drumming with the band that came up before you guys, Nirvana."
"OH YEAH, I remember you guys, your music rocks, and I loved your drumming too !"

He responded, "Oh thank you, it was my first night playing with those guys, their really great." At this point, he was already sitting in the empty spot on the couch next to me

"Well for your first night you were amazing."
Now that he was sitting next to me I got to get a good look at the guy. His eyes were this beautiful brown color filled with so much warmth and comfort and his hair was beautiful too. Long and well past his shoulders. He also had this gorgeous toothy smile that honestly could make you feel 1000 times better.

I don't know this guy but I feel comfortable and safe with him, somehow. I was snapped out of my thoughts when he asked me "What song was that, the one you were playing a few minutes ago?"

"Umm it's just a song I've been working on," I said Silently cursing myself as no one was ever supposed to hear it.

"Would you teach me that, it sounds raw and nothing like I've heard before? " This genuinely took me back, I mean I've had people play and sing my songs before but they've all been sung under the impression that it was written by 'Hole'

"You wanna learn MY song?!" I shot up from my seat while saying this. He grabbed my hand and slowly pulled me down back to him. "Of course I do, do you not think it's good?"

"Well, I think it's pretty okay but I would've never thought YOU would want to learn my song?" I said with shock in my voice.

"Yeah sure, how about this, ill give you my number and you can call me when your free and we'll jam sometime." He stated with a nice white-toothed smile on his face.

I placed my hand on his shoulder hoping he would feel comfortable despite the setting, "Sure thing, that sounds fun!"

"Alright then, ill catch you later," He said before he stood up and made his way out the door.

I went back to my previous action before I realized I didn't get his number or his name. I ran out of the dressing room dorm in hopes to catch up to him but just like that, he was gone.

𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐥Where stories live. Discover now