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October 16, 1990

Dave's POV :

"You gotta get up man, your mom's calling, she wants to wish you luck before the show." Krist was trying to get me off the sofa for the past three days now. After the dressing room girl yelled at me over the phone it seems like everything is going to shit. Kurt wasn't very bothered by me taking up the couch space since he was gone most of the time but Krist and Shelli were not having it.

"Fine ill call her back but when I'm done, this spot on the sofa is mine," I said pointing to where I was previously sitting. As I walked over to the phone all I could think about was how I was devastated over a girl I didn't know.

I've got to grow up.

"Hey, mom!" I said trying to sound as cheery as possible, attempting to steer my mind away from the girl.


"Wow Dave, your mom's a talker, I thought she just wanted to congratulate you," Shelli said jokingly.

"Yeah she just wanted to know if I needed anything, how I was doing, if I was coming over for Christmas, the usual thing moms worry about," I responded in a jokingly tone to match hers.

"I wish my mom called to worry about that stuff." Kurt shot back to us, almost in a mumbling tone as he walked out the front door.

Krist clapped his hands together pretty loudly trying to defuse the tension, earning a few darting looks from everyone else in the house. "Well guys, I think we should start loading up the van."

Everyone simply nodded and started to bring the instruments and bags outside. I saw Krist loading up his bass and i found this the perfect time to ask him my question.

"Krist, man, do you have the setlist for tonight? I just wanna know whos playing with us, you know?"
"Oh yeah, sure dude, uhh lemme see." He pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, which I assumed to be the setlist.

"Blind Melon
Sonic Youth (Kurts gonna love that one)
The Rhodes"

"Wait, Wait Wait, back up.... Hole???


"That's the band that the girl from the dressing room is in.." I said wearily because of the conversation we left of on.

"No dude, you gotta leave her alone, it's better not to chase her."

Maybe Krist was right, chasing her really isn't the best option.

"Alright fine, I won't, but someone has gotta' tell Courtney that I can't take her up on her offer if I cant talk to the girl."


"I told her I would set her up with Kurt...." I said with a small defensive smile on my face.

"No fucking way...."

"The worst part is, I haven't even told Kurt about it."

"Well, now you dont have to! Now help me get these amps inside"


It was now Nirvana's turn to get up on stage. U2 had just played, the crowed was now riled up and didnt want some bullshit sappy music that would bring moods down.

Dave was nervous the whole night, worried about playing in front of the girl from the dressing room. Though no one was even sure if she would be watching.

Going up on stage he was shaking, figeting with his drumsticks along the way.

He sat down on his throne behind his drumkit. Drowninig out his own thoughts he was now ready to play the show.

Kurt made a few jokes upon entering the stage, made conversation with them until he was told by someone in the wings that he had to get on with the show or else they would be docked pay, and kurt did not want that.

The first song they played was 'School' the 4 song of their 1989 album Bleach. Just before they finished the song Dave felt it.

He felt her presence.

He began to look all over the crowd, looking above the heads of all the swaty bodies jumping up and down. Good thing he could play the songs without directly looking at his kit cause' if he couldnt he would be in deep shit with Kurt right about now. Doesnt matter if they were in the middle of a show or not, if Dave wasnt playing right you bet your ass he would get an earful from Kurt about it.

The song ended and Dave was about to give up.

They started playing 'About a girl' The third song from their album bleach. Dave practiced this one more times than any other song he was told to preform.

Right in the middle of the song he looked into the wings of the stage and he saw her. The gril from the dressing room looking, observing him in all his glory.

But of course in her head she was thinking about how much better she could play than him.

Once he caught her eye he smiled brightly at her, somehow still managing to keep his tempo with the song.

She however responded in rolling her eyes and waling away, leaving to get prepared for the show they had after Nirvana.

Songs went by and all Dave could think about was the girl and where she minght have gone, or what she was thingking about, or if she had forgivin him in the past 30 minuets.

They finished up their show and Dave didn't even bother to say bye to the audience before he ran off to look for the girl.

As he ran off into the wings she flew past him heading to her reserved spot on stage.
Stunned he now was to know that she didn't even bother to acknowledge his existence.

There he stood in shock for almost 8 minutes before he was pulled to the side of the stage.

"Dude what the hell are you doing, we're back partying with THEE Kim gordon why are you still here?" Kurt said this with amazement that HE was partying with THEE Kim Gordon

"Oh, uhh i'm not sure but i'd like to party with Kim.."

"Good, now let's go."

So Dave took up Kurt on his offer and went off to bond with Sonic Youth.

But that night Dave didn't in fact 'bond' with anyone but the beer in his right hand and his thoughts.

He saw the fun Kurt and Krist were having and decided to let them be.

Dave stood in the back observing and silently judging everyone in the back until she walked in. The girl from the dressing room in all her glory finally in front of him again.

She walked into the room with her Dark brown curls bouncing as she walked and the brightest smile waiting to talk to her friend.

Her friend who just happened to be Kim Gordon.

This was it, it was Dave's last chance to talk to her.

So he did.

Or at least he tried.

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