Chapter 8~

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A/n: bruh I am fucking tired - and still am

It was finally morning, you opened your eyes and was welcomed with a sharp pain in your head. You sat up from your bed and pushed the sheets down with one hand while the other rubbed your temple. You got out of your bed and almost in and instant you remembered what happened late last night with sebastian and you. We didn't... did we?  you swallowed down your saliva. You looked down at your body and noticed you were wearing pajamas. Was that all a dream? I didn't have clothes on when I fell asleep  you said to yourself. You sighed and shook your head and just brushed it off as a naughty dream. After all, those kinds of dreams happen to a lot of people, right? 

Walking towards your bedroom door, you jumped back to the sudden loud knock on the door. You opened it, looking up to only be face to face with sebastian. "I see you're awake my lord, good morning." he smiled. "Hi... morning to you too sebastian." you awkwardly smiled. He stepped out of your way, with his hands out beside him, making it possible for you to pass. You gave him a soft smile then quickly walked out of your room with your hands holding your hot cheeks. 

You leaned your head on your hand at the dinning table, you rapidly blinked your eyes to keep yourself awake as bard placed your breakfast down in front of you. 

Bard took your dishes away once you finished eating and you stayed there, yawning like a mess. You somehow managed to make your way back upstairs and on your way to your office while still hung over. You were about to walk into your office when you all of a sudden heard humming coming from inside. You stopped and pushed your ear against the door to get a better listen. It was sebastian, his sweet humming was very distinguishable, it was music to one's ears. You smiled, slightly closing your eyes and hoping that he won't stop his beautiful humming for you to just listen. It seemed that you lent on the door too hard, you tripped and fell over onto the floor just a few feet in front of sebastian.

"Young master!" he shouted and quickly ran over to your aid. "My lord, you must be careful." he said with a worried smile. You immediately pushed yourself away from him and quickly stood up. You brushed yourself off and coughed into your fist before you walked over your desk. "So um, any missions today?" you asked, sitting down on your office chair. "Not today no." he added, "But there is a little something that I need to take care of, if you'd excuse me, young master." You nodded, watching him close the door behind him. You sighed and rested your head on the desk as you slightly tilted your head to the side to look at the door once more, thinking about him again.


You had just gotten out of the shower, your robe was around your wet body and you were now walking towards your room. You pushed it open with your hip and got inside, you undid the robe around you as you sat it down on your bed and slowly dried your body off. You threw on your normal wear and went to your dresser in search of  your ring. "Ah, there it is." you grinned, picking up the ring from the holder. It suddenly slipped out of your hand and fell just slightly under between your bed and dresser. You sighed and crouched down besides the bed and reached for the ring but you ended up grabbing something else. 

A/n: short chapter, but I did that just for the cliff hanger >:) - bruh why was i so annoying

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