Chapter 13~

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This morning felt as if you were hit with a happy ray. It's been a while since you've felt like this, and ofcourse you're feeling this way is because of sebastian. You just couldn't believe that you two did that. Even though, it was amazing to know that what happened last night happened.

Your daydreaming got cut off short when your bedroom door creeked open. From that small opening in the door, you could see that it was sebastian peeping through to see if you were awake or not. Your face instantly lit up and a huge smile appeared on your face. He fully opened the door and walked inside towards your bed. You couldn't help but smile as your eyes wandered all over him, his outfit fitted him more perfect than ever. You noticed that he was wearing a different suit but honestly you were just admiring his figure. (he so babygirl omg) The suit was a velvety black colour with dark red, almost black buttons. The buttons of the white shirt sleeves were undone leaving Sebastian with that "bad boy" look.

"Good morning master, hope you slept well." he stood at your bed frame with that smile you was waiting for.

You hopped out of your bed and hugged him tightly. "Oh... what's with the sudden affection young master?" he stood, frozen. "You know, because of last night..." you closed your eyes and thought about it. "Last night?" You closed your eyes in a flash, your brows rose to the hint of confusion in his words, he sounded like he had forgotten or something. "um nevermind..." He gave you a soft smile and a nod, before you pushed yourself away from him. why was he acting like that all of a sudden...  you exhaled through your nose. It could of been the same situation from before but you didn't want to think that, you two were finally a 'thing', at least you thought

(manz fr out here breaking hearts :') )

It was so pathetic to think that though, nobody has ever been a 'thing' with their butler or anyone of the sort, so how could you. It really shows how much you liked him.

You leaned your head back on the sofa you say on and sighed, "sebastian, just get me some tea. I don't have an appetite right now." you mumbled. "Ofcourse my lady." Your eyes widen and your eyebrows furrowed, my lady..? oh God what is this man doing to me.. You body tensed up frozen and your face flushed with a dark rosy colour. He's never called you that before, not once. But if you were being honest, you liked it.

He came back almost in a flash and sat your tea down on the table in front of you. You reached up to rub your sleepy eyes with one hand and grabbed the tea cup with the other, putting it up to your mouth and taking a sip. You let out a small sigh before looking over your shoulder, seeing mey-rin, finnian and barn whispering to each other while looking over to you. They all noticed that you were watching and immediately broke apart from each other like a huddle of fowls. You had absolutely no idea why they were acting like this, although you were a tiny bit curious, yet still you couldn't care less.

In the corner of your eye you could see sebastian coming downstairs, you needed to get things straight with him, you weren't going to let the same thing happen twice. It was really killing your insides. "Sebastian, I want a word with you." you looked up to him. "Ofcourse, my lady." You swear, seeing his smile made everything okay, but you weren't letting go of last night by just a smile.

You took in a deep breath while you two walked over to somewhere a little more private. "Yes my lord?" sebastian smiled. "About last night, tell me everything you remember doing." you said bluntly with your eyes never leaving his. This little thing he was pulling was really pissing you off and you weren't going to be seen as the mad one here. He looked at you then tilted his head to 'try' and remember. "...well I remember I was writing down a bit of things with my quill and paper, and then I went to check on the others downstairs." he pinched his chin. You let out a shakey scoff and lightly rolled your eyes. Lieing to me again...

"...are you alright master?" he asked. You rolled your eyes once again and turned your back to him before letting out a growl under your breath, "I'm fine... just give me some space." You walked away from him, leaving him standing there frozen and confused from your sudden yet quite usual manner.

You walked upstairs, annoyed, and into your bedroom before flopping down onto your soft mattress and letting out a grunt. You stared bluntly up at the ceiling as you watched your hands reach up to 'grab' the air. You spread your fingers widely apart and slowly watched your hand turn into a fist. Letting out a sigh, you rolled over onto your stomach then placed a pillow underneath your chin. You felt a sudden rush of disappointment and sadness as you laid there, it was humiliating. Lies over lies... and more lies... you thought about Sebastian.

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